GANDHARVA SAULS is the Your Life Blueprint™ Master Teacher. He has been blessed with the sacred gift of reading the Life Blueprint for each person, which illuminates their strengths and challenges in every area of life -from physical to spiritual – and he initiates them into their own spiritual path. He has over twenty years of experience in Ayurveda and Yoga, and shares his knowledge worldwide teaching Your Life Blueprint™ workshops, trainings, and leading High Voltage Chanting.
YOUR LIFE BLUEPRINT is a system of knowledge born out of
the ancient Vedic traditions of Ayurveda and Yoga, rediscovered by the
late sage Edward Tarabilda and now expanded on and taught by myself.
When you are born you are given potentials that make you unique from
anyone else. These potentials include certain personality types as well
as strengths and challenges in all areas of life from the physical to
the spiritual. After many years of study in Ayurveda (the knowledge of
life), Yoga and other holistic sciences, in January, 2000 I was given
the sacred gift to be able to accurately know and share with you your
life blueprint so that you can understand and be more comfortable with
yourself at the deepest level, allowing you to be the person that you
are meant to be.
What is Your Consultation Like?
A Your
Life Blueprint™ consultation is a unique, comforting, uplifting
experience that brings a confirmation and acceptance of the deepest
levels of yourself, allowing you to be the person that you are meant to
be. This sacred information is shared in a positive, confidential way,
in a comfortable environment. You receive a CD recording of your
consultation plus a booklet of printed information prepared exclusively
for you.
Gandharva Sauls
phone: 201-440-3106