Fiona MacKay Young is a Certified Handwriting Analyst and Career/ Employment Advisor. She is also an experienced speaker, teacher and writer.
Fiona helps clients find out more about themselves and others. She works with clients interested in self discovery and self improvement, to identify their strengths and weaknesses through writing - and then to work to develop the strengths they want through graphotherapy and other methods.
Fiona also works with Career Changers. Through Career Coaching, Myers Briggs, and sometimes Handwriting Analysis she helps them discover what they want to do in life and how to achieve these goals.
Employers also use Fiona's services to help them with the hiring process as their handwriting shows clearly in what ways they will suit the job and in what ways they will not.
As a speaker, she entertains with presentatios and workshops on handwriting analysis, using laughter as a tool for learning.
Fiona believes in personal growth and in being all that you can be. She motivated, inspires and encourages clients to reach out for what they want in life, with the confidence that it can be theirs.
We also offer custom handwriting analysis reading and reports upon request, both for individuals and couple compatibility.