Eve K. Bernshaw
Bernshaw developed TTP originally for her corporate consulting clients. With over 25 years in the corporate financial and marketing arena, and as a business development consultant, with a specialty in new venture development planning, she worked for organizations, and the new entrepreneur client. She noticed more and more of these executive clients were unable to focus on the planning process. Many of them had recently been displaced because of down sizing, or forced to take early retirement. The one thing they all had in common was being stuck in indecision, with varying degrees of corporate burnout and depleted self esteem. These clients were the first to successfully utilize the simple decision-making techniques that would eventually become known as TheTransitionProcess™.
After researching the field of traditional career counseling, searching for tools to assist these clients with their professional transition, she found no specific decision-making process/tools outside the therapeutic environment. She began noticing a significant void in traditional career counseling, and a lack of focused support in acknowledging the anxiety surrounding a clients experience of change and transition in the workplace.
TheTransitionProcess™ was created as a template for functional decision-making. These clients were not only experiencing success by using TTP in their professional development endeavors, but as they applied the process to challenging personal issues they found clarity there as well. It became apparent that TTP had a wide range of application beyond the career counseling and business consulting fields.
TTP became a new form of cognitive humanistic career consulting and was added to, and became the primary focus in Bernshaw's consulting service. In addition to workshops, seminars and support groups, she trains and coaches professional counselors and psychologists interested in facilitating TTP within their specific modality. As a writer and speaker, she also donates TTP to nonprofit organizations and support groups within the recovery community.
She has taught TTP to executives as well as high school students, retirees in back-to-work retraining programs through DOA, and facilitated TTP in various college programs for welfare-to-work Title V recipients.
With a focus on making TTP more available within the community at large, she is currently developing a mentor training program using TTP template.
There are many ways to measure the depth of our emotional maturity. One way is in examining how we solve problems and make decisions. Another way is the manner in which we deal with transitional experiences; when and how they are dealt to us.
Our comprehension, responsiveness and overall coping ability continue to grow and change at every stage of life. We accumulate knowledge and insight, by absorbing the teachings and beliefs we inherit from others. As we are maturing, we supplement that base of knowledge with our own, first hand experience of success and failure, with all the accompanying feelings of joy and pain that arrive with each reward or consequence...
from the article on change...the origin of TheTransitionProcessTM Call For Evaluation 858-344-1229
Please Peruse my website http://www.transitionscounseling.com for details and specifics on Transitions.
Office 858-344-1229.
Sessions by appointment.
Free initial phone evaluation session for all inquiries.
Please Call or Email ebernshaw@transitionscounseling.com