Greetings fun-seekers and brain lovers! I am a board-certified psychiatrist in California with a background (past lives?) in neurosurgery, neurology, and psychopharmacology. Because I'm so far out of the mainstream, I'm known as "The Renegade Doctor!"
I've been a professor in two state university medical schools and done tons of research on pharmaceuticals in FDA-approved clinical trials.
After leaving academia and practicing in the private sector (in EVERY imaginable setting -- hospitals, US Army, VA clinics, Kaiser Permanente, Community Mental Health clinics, and my own private solo practice) I became increasingly disenchanted with what I saw happening when I gave drugs to patients. Mind you, I did a fellowship in psychopharm and was a true believer at one time. But once away from the academic and industry influence and treating MY OWN patients in MY OWN practice, I found that I could help them just as well -- or better -- with fewer (or no) side effects when I used natural substances.
I'm still a scientist. I read all the research literature from all over the world thanks to the internet. I have an arsenal of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and some other tricks that have come together into my own style. I use the Biological-Psychological-Social paradigm on my patients. I also give a LOT of time to each patient and often find overlooked medical problems and missed diagnoses.
I'm a cash-only doctor now -- no insurance will pay for the level of treatment I give. I love my patients and want only the best for them.
I don't do a lot of psychotherapy -- I refer to the experts on that. But I am a strong proponent of Emotional Freedom Technique ( I combine it with some of the other therapy modes I've studied and have my own hybrid type of therapy that brings me good results.
My passion now is contributing to research on alternative treatments. The establishment won't give any validity to any therapy unless there is hard scientific data. I'm pleased to be working with the University of Calgary as the only site in the USA conducting a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial on a natural compound in treating bipolar disorder. I have chartered The Better Brains Institute as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in California to conduct my research.
Here's what I'm looking forward to in 2008:
A clinical trial of pain patients treated with a cox-2 inhibitor (similar to Viox and Celebrex) made entirely of cherry extract.
A government funded program to reduce prison violence by introducing high-quality nutritional supplements to inmates AND custodial staff.
A privately funded program to see if nutritional supplements can help the impoverished and disadvantaged strive for upward mobility in work, education and life in general.
My goals are lofty, but then (as the song says) if you never have a dream, how can you have a dream come true?
I LOVE to network. I am sorry to be slow to respond in some cases, but I will answer every request.
Take care and be happy!
Estelle Toby Goldstein, MD
If you would like to know how I lost over half of my body mass, click on the link!
Everything starts in the gut -- but everything happens in the brain.
I've let this site stand dormant for quite a while as I was building up my web presence and moving my life forward into more exciting areas. I'll be contributing articles now and will welcome intelligent discourse with other enlightened professionals.
I've pretty much poured my heart out and written my autobiography at my "<a href="">Renegade Doctor</a>" website. It is a work in progress and I'll keep adding links and other things as I go.
I am ashamed of the state of medical care in the USA and want to do as much as I can to help people. My best idea is to teach other doctors my methods and hope that eventually we can break the iron grip of the big pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and the medical establishment that is in bed with them.
I look forward to being a productive and congenial member of this community!
Docteur G
Estelle Toby Goldstein, MD
The Renegade Doctor
Estelle Toby Goldstein, MD
2801 Camino Del Rio South, #201
San Diego, CA 92108
PHONE: 619-296-6563
FAX: 866-523-9169