Emmy has a deep understanding of the Mind-Body-Spirit connection. She is an Intuitive with Mediumship abilities who will assess the Spiritual, Energetic, Physical, and Emotional dimensions of your being. She is able to identify what may be working for you, and what may be hindering you, so you can reach your Life Goals.
She has been in the Holistic Health Care field for over 10 years, and is trained in Medical Qigong Energy Healing, Intuition, Integrative Imagery, Emotional Clearing, Acupressure, Reflexology, and is Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. She has a background as an Occupational Therapist, and those foundational skills additionally allow her to support you to access all of you - your strengths and abilities to achieve your dreams.
She offers a Free Relaxation & Meditation Webcast on Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. CST at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/healing-connections and she teaches Intuitive Development to Individuals and Professionals seeking to listen within for clear guidance and direction in all aspects of their lives.
Visit www.emmyvadnais.com to learn more or e-mail her with any questions.
"Be relentless in your looking, because you are the one you seek." - Rumi
"Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barrieres within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi
Please contact Emmy for a free consultation to ask any questions or to find out if she is the best match to assist you. You can reach her at emmy@emmyvadnais.com or 651-292-9938.
Appointments are available in person, on the phone, through Skype or e-mail.
She looks forward to assisting you!