I am a qualified Quantum Biofeedback Therapist. I have been involved in Energy Medicine for 10 years. I have studied and practiced Reflexology, Reiki and Quantum Touch. I find practicing meditation and yoga very beneficial in my day to day life.
Three years ago I discovered Quantum Biofeedback and proceeded to purchase some biofeedback equipment (SCIO/Indigo). Initially I completed several preliminary training courses, culminating in a full Diploma course in 2009. I believe we are all stuck, to some degree, in old patterns and beliefs systems that don’t serve us. These patterns or beliefs may be linked to physical, mental or emotional aspects of our being. My passion is to help people identify these patterns and beliefs and assist them to dissolve them gradually. I really enjoy witnessing the positive change in my client’s lives as they develop more coherent behavioral patterns.
Nothing stands between me and anything I desire in life other than my own patterns of thought. (Abraham)
I am Quantum Biofeedback Therapist based in Melbourne Australia. As well as seeing in-house clients, I also offer a global Distant Healing service. The Indigo Biofeedback device with it's patented technology and sophisticated wave-form generator can send healing frequencies anywhere in the world. It is not unlike receiving a mobile phone call in a distant country. If you have a focused intention to receive these healing frequencies you will. We have had some excellent results using this technology. If you wish to know more about our Distant Healing service, please go to our web-page at:
Please contact me through my website at www.biofeedback-stress-relief.com