Elizabeth Scala, MSN/MBA, RN is the owner and founder of Living Sublime Wellness, LLC, a holistic health and wellness coaching practice. Elizabeth is also a Registered Nurse and Reiki Practitioner.
Her company was founded in 2011 and her company mission is to partner with clients to improve their holistic health, well-being, and happiness. Elizabeth coaches clients, specifically nurses, who are busy, stressed, and overwhelmed to create healthy balance and space for self-care in their lives. Her company websites include:
Living Sublime Wellness provides a monthly e-mail newsletter, offering readers featured articles on topics related to various aspects of well-being and healthy recipes. She also writes articles for the website nursetogether.com and hosts monthly calls on balance and self-care.
Elizabeth's first special report “Learning through Experience: An Inspirational Resource Booklet to Self-Care and Balance” was released to nurses all over the country in December 2011. She interviewed and compiled over two dozen nurses and holistic healers to create this supportive resource for nurses everywhere.
She has a Masters degree in nursing and business from Johns Hopkins University at Baltimore, MD and has over 6 years of experience in nursing, wellness, and teaching healthy behavior.
Elizabeth’s interest in self-care and balance began when she was a nurse working on an inpatient unit at a large teaching hospital. She realized she was not taking as good care of herself as she could be. She decided that she was through living her life in this unhealthy way and was going to do something about it. Not only did she want to improve her own well-being and balance, but she wanted to inspire and help nurses everywhere do the same.
Elizabeth is a known self-help and healing advocate - and happy to be! She owns dozens of self-improvement books and has been to numerous workshops. She does workshops and talks for nurses on various topics of self-care. She took her first Reiki training in April 2011 and is studying to be a Reiki Master in order to teach Reiki as a self-care modality to nurses.
She lives and works in Baltimore, MD with her husband and two dogs. Elizabeth enjoys music, reading, gardening, cooking, exercise, walking, Yoga, meditation, jigsaw puzzles, and travel to NY to visit with family.
I believe we need to care for the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. I feel that when we are taking care of our whole person we are better able to handle stress, perform at work, and take care of others. As a nurse and busy person, I advocate for healthy work-life balance, time-management, and taking care of the self first. I feel there are many, many parts that make up our whole well-being. Self-care is crucial for the Registered Nurse to be able to serve his/her patients best. Take care of you and you can take care of them!
Would you like more information?
www.livingsublimewellness.com and Subscribe to the Free Monthly Living Sublime Wellness Newsletter which provides articles on well‐being and healthy recipes.
Would you like to hear Elizabeth live and in person?
www.livingsublimewellness.com Services Page and Sign Up for a Free Monthly Call to listen in to a live discussion on a well-being related topic each month, with time for Q&A with Elizabeth! Calls are being offered the second Thursday of the month at 8 pm EST.
Are you ready to achieve balance in your life, make your self
Would you like to work one on one with Elizabeth as your coach?
Email Elizabeth at
livingsublimewellness@gmail.com to set up your initial consultation to see if health coaching is right for you. Elizabeth is now accepting new clients. www.livingsublimewellness.com Services Page for “7 Steps to A Healthier You: An Easy and Straightforward System to Self‐Care & Balance”.‐care priority, and start healing?