He has appeared on the BBC, ITV, Sky, VOA and other top international TV and radio programmes, as well as in the pages of Sunday People, Glamour, Golfing World, The Best You Magazine, WPT Poker and more, sharing his simple, innovative methods for building luck.
As a private coach and hypnotherapist, Dr. Simpson counts many luminaries from the sporting, gaming, entertainment and business worlds among his clients. Additionally he works as a Mind Coach on both the PGA European Golf and World Poker Tours, helping star performers improve their game and maximize their success.
Much of Dr. Simpson’s work centers on the principles of neuro linguistic programming (NLP), havening and reconnective healing. A long-time student and certified master in these practices, he weaves this training into his personalized coaching and development sessions, boosting results for clients and partners.
In addition to this unique training, Dr. Simpson has been a practicing physician for nearly 40 years, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. He holds an MBA from Brunel University and has trained alongside some of the top names in mind coaching and hypnotherapy, including Paul McKenna, Richard Bandler and Dr. Ron Ruden.
Aside from this work, Dr. Simpson is passionate about connecting the underserved with quality medical care. During his career, Dr. Simpson has lived in some of the most in-need regions in the world including Angola, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Oman. His international HIV care and prevention programmes are world-renowned, and have helped millions improve their lives while curbing the spread of this global epidemic. Dr. Simpson was also instrumental in the fight against a Marburg, a devastating esoteric tropical disease and Ebola offshoot.
As the Regional Medical Director for Chevron for more than 17 years, Dr. Simpson was able to bring his charitable initiatives to the forefront, working alongside some of the world’s leading change agents, including President Bill Clinton. During this time he also served as a task force member on the World Economic Forum and Global Business Coalition, helping steer the conversation and affect change for millions.
Is life passing you by?
Are you frustrated watching others seize opportunities while you remain stagnant?
Do you wonder how successful people became so successful — and what you aren’t doing?
Get Lucky Now is an integrated system anchored in a scientifically-proven “luck formula.” This program taps into seven simple steps plus ongoing coaching and an overall success-driven approach that builds on your wins to create more luck more often.
Only Push at Open Doors!
The Impossible is often the Untried!
‘Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.' Hippocrates
'Less is More!'
For decades I’ve studied the habits, processes and behaviours of “lucky” people. You know them — maybe you are one. They have the world at their fingertips, with seemingly endless good fortune, good health and immense happiness. Things always fall into place for these luck magnets.
But in studying these elite thinkers, doers and dreamers, I’ve discovered one important thing: luck isn’t random. People aren’t born lucky. They don’t find themselves in lucky situations day after day. And more often than not they don’t have a leg up on the competition. Lucky people know how to harness their inner confidence and unique skill sets to create optimal opportunities for themselves and others.
MY METHOD, GET LUCKY NOW, LEVERAGES SEVEN SIMPLE STEPS TO HELP YOUBECOME A LUCK MAGNET.This comprehensive approach has been used by some of the top names in professional poker, sports and business, igniting massive confidence, focusing mindfulness and can deliver outstanding results fast.