Dr. Rudy Watkins is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and an amazing energy worker and healer who is currently on the road and living the Magickal Mystery Tour! Dr. Rudy graduated from The Southwest Acupuncture College in Albuquerque, NM and along with his wife, Donna Watkins, he owns and operates their online spiritual business called-Awakenings.
Dr. Rudy is also a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant and uses his knowledge of both Eastern and Western medicine in his practice. He has many tools in his repertoire and uses them all in helping his clients obtain optimal health and well-being.
He is a deeply spiritual healer who also uses the tools of intuition and guidance from his healing guides. He uses Feng Shui and Qi Gong as part of his Oriental Medicine practice as these were tools of the ancient Chinese healers and part of Oriental Medicine originally.
He is also a Certified Acutonics Practitioner, using sound and vibration on the acupuncture points to heal. This is a wonderful method of healing that does not use acupuncture needles. It is especially helpful for people with a needle phobia or those who are especially tender in certain areas.
Dr. Rudy also incorporates Egyptian Healing Rods in his practice. They are incredible ancient tools for both physical and spiritual attunement and wellness. Filled with crystals, they heal with vibration; directing energy in streams and aligning with and increasing your own energy field in the process. He is an avid practitioner and instructor for the Rods and is also an authorized distributor for them.
He takes quite a bit of time with his patients and clients; listening, guiding and healing. He is currently taking appointments for distance healing sessions. He would love to help you with all of your spiritual and physical needs.
"Your house is your larger body. It grows in the sun and sleeps in the stillness of the night; and it is not dreamless. Does not your house dream? And dreaming, leave the city for grove or hilltop?"- Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
"Observe these six dangers closely:
Remember that your body, the Earth and the Universe in fact is energy. All dis-ease comes from an imbalance in that energy. Using Feng Shui, Energy Medicine, Vibration and Sound Healing can help you stay in tune.
Not only can you stay in tune but you can indeed raise your vibration to meet with Spirit. You can even change your very DNA structure vibrationally.
You can learn more about what I do and schedule an appointment with me for a Distance Healing Session at www.awakeningsnm.com
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I can't wait to begin the journey with you.