Hello and welcome! My name is Jeanine Austin. I am a doctor of life coaching and a certified hypnotherapist who works with women worldwide. My work focuses on A Course in Miracles principles as its principle foundation.
I use a strategic, compassionate and customized approach in order to achieve practical results. I have nearly 25 years experience working in people helping professions.
I have both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in clinical social work and a doctorate in life coaching. I am also a certified hypnotherapist. I have been a student of A Course in Miracles since 1992.
I look forward to helping you create a life of peace and happiness! To get started please complete this Free Consultation and return via email: jeanine@simplydivinesolutions.com
With Love & Compassion,
Jeanine Marie Austin, Ph.D., C.Ht.
Doctor of Life Coaching, Certified Hypnotherapist
Simply Divine Solutions
Life Coaching and Hypnosis Worldwide
(480) 491-0770
Free Consultation Available
Here is what people are saying about
The Alma Answers: 21 Sacred Soul Steps Towards Divine Solutions:
"The Alma Answers is an amazing healing path of awakening. The individual succinct steps make learning and integrating amenable to people in all stages of spiritual development. Furthermore, the sacred steps allow a process that can be revisited and deepened over time. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in spiritual and personal growth."
~Lauren Brownell, Artist, South Burlington, Vermont
"Dr. Jeanine is gifted in crafting powerful divine solutions for optimum healing. "Alma Answers" process is a brilliant demonstration of her passion and mission in providing practical solutions to everyday challenges. Her energy is pure, loving and as a fellow LIGHT worker, I am touched by her authenticity. You will be transformed by this beautiful, thought provoking e-course!"
~ Rev. Carmen J. Day, Spiritual Director, Entrepreneur
Wealth4U in Spirit Talk Show, Los Angeles, CA
"I think The Alma Answers are easy to implement and they make sense. The steps also provoke thought and introspection. I am impressed that Dr. Jeanine created this program. It is a path which requires work, but is still straight forward."
~Regina Munoz, Educator, M.A. Long Beach, CA
"The Alma Answer has helped me to dig deep into my soul going beyond the psychological aspects to the core of my being. Thank you for guiding through this journey."
~Herlinda Lopez, Flamenco Dancer
Phoenix, AZ, www.azemporium.com
"I am really amazed at Dr. Jeanine's knowledge base and integration of so many modalities of self growth and counseling."
~Michele Grantham, Registered Nurse, Normandy Park, Washington
"The Alma Answers is perfect for me because when I am anxious about a situation I open the Alma Answers and read a section and become calm and at peace with the situation at hand.
I love that many of the teachings are tied to a spiritual path and incorporate many different spiritual perspectives. I am really enjoying learning about all of the different perspectives and how they each look at various situations and deal with them.
I would recommend the Alma Answers to all of my friends! It is great!"
~M.D., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Please also check out Dr. Jeanine's radio show at 10:00 am Sundays MST, 9:00 am PST and EST 12:00 noon. Please note the show is archived and you can listen at any time by going to: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/CoachforWomenWorldwide
Dr. Jeanine and her co-host spiritual artist Lauren Brownell discuss issues effecting women and provide discussion and healing avenues for resolution.
“Whatever it is, be gentle about it.”~ Dr. Jeanine Austin, Coach for Women Worldwide
“You are much more than the sum of what you have experienced. Your divinity transcends your history.”~Dr. Jeanine Austin, Coach for Women Worldwide
“It is a truly authentic, actualized and integrated human being who moves beyond the dualistic struggle and into the transcendent realms of Divine thinking and being.”~Dr. Jeanine Austin, Coach for Women Worldwide
“By way of reflection, that which is truly integrated, can be drawn from and kept as authentically yours, forever.”~Dr. Jeanine Austin, Coach for Women Worldwide
If you are interested in coaching, please contact me at jeanine@simplydivinesolutions.com. At that time I can send you a free consultation packet (a value of $95.00) fill it out, return it via email and we can schedule an apt.
For all other inquires such as for The Alma Answers! 21 Sacred Soul Steps to Divine Solutions (e-course for men and women), please also contact me at jeanine@simplydivinesolutions.com
Thank you for reaching out!
Dr. Jeanine
Jeanine Austin, Ph.D.