Donya Fahmy, is a green business owner and the creator of Dropwise Essentials' spa-quality aromatherapy body products that help you safely relieve stress, increase vitality, improve confidence, or simply manage your emotional state any time or place without popping a pill. She is an expert in Natural Health & Solutions for Personal Care. For more free tips and valuable information visit and subscribe to the Dropwise Health & Beauty News Ezine or our Aroma Zone blog feed.
The underlying principle is to work WITH your body by supporting it with the proper nutrients not AGAINST it by bombarding it with foreign substances that it’s not genetically designed to comprehend, let alone deal with.
You can benefit from my knowledge and expertise and my products if you or someone you know:
• Are concerned about your health and well being in an increasingly stressful, polluted, and toxic world
• Prefer to make conscious choices in the marketplace by purchasing products from and supporting businesses that care about their customers, their employees, their communities, and the environment
• Suffer from stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression, moodiness, or emotional repression, and are looking for a natural way to address these issues
• Suffer from chemical sensitivities and have difficulty using commercial mass-market personal care products
• Prefer natural alternatives to Over the Counter or prescription drugs
• Own a business or professional practice that caters to any of the above
For general inquiries about our company and our products or general feedback and comments about our web site: // ' a+='lto:' b+='@' e='' f='' b+='' g='' if (f) d=f else if (h) d=g+h+i else d=b document.write(a+b+c+d+e) } escramble() // ]]> or contact us at 866-418-1682.