Soul Expressions Dialogue (SED) is a form of self-inquiry that's extremely effective in process work that supports individuals in their desire to gain clarity and understanding beyond the surface of their personal struggles to assist in other aspects of life.
SED uses a dialogue methodology that works with four quadrants of the self/soul: body, mind, emotions, and soul. It's a synthesis of (1) three recognized dialogue practices devoted to levels of the mind and body, plus (2) a new practice dedicated to dialoguing with the emotional and soul levels.
Specifically, SED was inspired by (1) the Big Mind Process, developed by Genpo Merzel Roshi, providing a perspective of the relationship of the Absolute and Relative Mind where Hal & Sidra Stone's Voice Dialogue and Judith Tamar Stone's Body Dialogue provide the Mind-Body parts, the psychological ‘selves' and physical body. (2) Deborah Saunders added the Emotion-Soul piece completing a four quadrant "wholistic" view of the Self/Soul.
Deborah Saunders, a Holistic Practitioner/ Registered Counselor, uses the following forms of personal, spiritual growth and development practices: Soul Expressions Dialogue Facilitator (includes Body Dialogue®, Voice Dialogue®, and Big Mind®); Integrated Kabbalistic Healing Practitioner; and subtle-energy bodywork with essential oils.
A long-time student of Kabbalah, Deborah was attracted to the phenomenal healing work developed by Jason Shulman, A Society of Souls -- what he named Integrated Kabbalistic Healing. The appeal for her was how seamlessly this healing modality included practical wisdom from different spiritual traditions, i.e., jewish mysticism, buddhism, etc. as well as psychology and science, specifically quantum physics.
While studying with Jason over a 4-year period, Deborah opened her healing practice, A Soul Connection.
My understanding of what I learned from Jason and the teachers working with him at the time continues to unfold in every aspect of my life. And, the beauty of how this understanding affects how I see the interconnectedness in life itself enables me to be present on many levels when working together with my clients and students.
From one perspective, I can see how my whole life lead up to the specific point in time where I first discovered Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and subsequently meeting and studying with Jason. I am indebted to his teachings and continue to share with others the fruits I harvested from my experience.
I gave my healing practice the name "A Soul Connection" for two reasons: (1) it best describes the depth of exploration work my clients and I do together, and (2) it attracts people who are ready to break out of the rigid patterns from which their ego/personality confines the soul.
Who are my perfect clients/students?
Each of these people are totally committed, dedicated individuals who are willling to do what's necessary to "wake up" and come face-to-face with, and most importantly I think, actually experience Life.
For more information go to www.asoulconnection.com.