DEBORAH is a highly respected authority in yoga and personal training for overall peace and restoration, health and fitness, with more than 25 years of experience and success. Serving NYC in home, office, gym or her studio at 399 E 72 St.
- Licensed Registered Nurse
- 500 Hr. Certified Yoga Instructor
- Pre & Post Natal Maternity Specialist
- Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
- Lifestyle Fitness Coach
- Certified Medical Exercise Specialist
- Meditation Teacher
Deborah is in the process of building a Yoga and Fitness Wholistic Health Retreat on a goreous 34 acre plot of mountainous and fresh water streams land in the Catskill Mountains. Pictures will be posted on my website soon, as will be more information as the Heavenly Retreat becomes a reality. Stay Tuned
Private Yoga lessons – A move beyond fitness
Why has yoga become such a craze? For those of you who haven’t yet tried or experienced it, here are some of the benefits of yoga. On the physical level it gives you fitness benefits of increasing flexibility, lubricating the joints, ligaments and tendons, massaging all the organs of the body, flushing toxins while you stretch twist and breath, plus it tones the body.
Here’s the beyond fitness part now, because as well as the physical benefits, yoga creates a union of body and mind creating harmony in life, reducing stress and enabling practitioners to achieve extraordinary physical and mental feats. How is this done?
Health experts highly advise some form of daily meditation to help lower stress levels. Meditation is an integral part of yoga practice with the primary focus on breathing. Various forms of breathing exercises help to deepen the relaxation the of body and mind to eventually create a sense of inner stillness from which one responds rather than react to life. Thus achieving a sense of calm, peace, empowerment and ease.
Traditionally yoga was handed down from teacher to student in one-on-one private lessons. If you are new to yoga personal yoga lessons help you reap all of these benefits without injury. It can be very intimidating and confusing to jump into a yoga class, and have an instructor teach poses to everyone at the same time. Because we all learn in different ways and at different speeds private lessons gives you individualized attention to answer your questions and help you find the right modification of each pose that best suits your ever changing and evolving needs. Private lessons, will give you the knowledge of how poses should be and how to reap the most personal benefit.
If you are not able to find time for yoga lessons in a class setting, then private yoga sessions are the perfect way to get started.
Here are the top 10 reasons to try one on one private yoga.
Now you can tell me why private yoga lessons take you to fitness and beyond? If the original yogis’ practiced one on one yoga with their teachers, since they created and designed it maybe we should practice it like they did!
Deborah Caruana RN, CYT, CPT, MES, Yoga Lifestyle Coach
399 E 72 St U..E.S. Manhattan NY 10021
The Transition From Fitness to Yoga and Why I Stayed with Yoga
After 10 yrs of no yoga I started to practice again. Deciding yoga was the missing ingredient to the hard-core cardio and weight training I was into. Unfortunately 10yrs of workouts had tightened up my muscles and joints and all of the yoga poses that came so easily 10 yrs ago now seemed out of reach. Determined to get back to where I was, though nagged by the thought "you get stiff and then you get old’, I persisted.
Were the 'work outs' the culprit in losing flexibility? I was not willing to admit that it was because I had aged that I had lost flexibility! Or was it the fact that I didn't stretch enough, after workouts? Who has the time?! I was a busy trainer running all over town taking care of clients. Cardio, weight training, all took too much time! As I incorporated more yoga and less workout, I enjoyed it so much I enrolled in a 200hr yoga certification to compliment the fitness I was teaching.
It took 3 full yrs of all yoga and no working out, but I finally won back that beautiful natural flexibility! Did I want to go back to working out?
Not in the least, all that flexibility felt too good. Plus, no more aches and pains from knotted, sore and aching muscles while pushing myself with workouts.
Was it worth the 3 yr investment? Well first of all my body looked and felt so much better. In yoga because you are constantly holding your own body weight in an endless array of movements from handstands, to shoulder stands, to one legged balances with twists and plank variations, my body remained very strong, sculpted and supple. I also learned to breath properly, stand quietly, and to surrender deeper into poses, practicing awareness of where and how each body part was aligned and activated. From a thoughtful intention and dynamic heart felt center I learned to ground by pressing deeper into the floor which freed me to expand energy outward and upward to lengthen so as to create lines while moving gracefully from one pose to the next. I discovered a form of moving meditation in union of body, mind and breath which is the definition of yoga.
I also slimmed down, not from 'dieting' or effort but rather, a sense of being filled. Not as ravenously hungry as I was when I was "exercising" food simply, though I still enjoyed it, was fuel to feed my somewhat thankfully diminished hunger. It was no longer as tantalizing and appealing perhaps because I was calmer, and felt more at peace. I made healthier choices too, desiring foods and living situations that were colorful and simple. Yoga gave me the gift of self acceptance and self compassion, life's ups and downs became easier and less jarring. I stopped feeling like I had to be better, do more, get leaner and I relaxed into my own skin more.
This is when I got my full 500hr certification. Teaching has become a wonderful outlet for me, a different form of meditation that calms and soothes.
Do I still have other forms of exercise? Sure! I love walking, for long distances too. Cycling also feels wonderful. Sometimes I have to run and I can, gracefully. Gardening, landscaping our place in the country, chopping wood, weeding, helping my husband build beautiful rock walls, dancing, but the yoga is a part of my life that I practice everyday on and off the mat.
Deborah Caruana RN, CYT, CPT, MES, Yoga Lifestyle Coach
399 E 72 St U..E.S. Manhattan NY 10021
Serving NYC in home, office, gym or her studio at 399 E 72 St. U.E.S. Manhattan
Call: 917-826-9083