Have you ever felt that you were called to do something great -- something that would make a true impact in the lives of others and in the world as a whole? It seems to be something many of us feel, some actually pursue, but few actually find. Those that do find it inevitably discover a life filled with passion and purpose, joy and happiness, and freedom and success.
I think the most fulfilling life is one that gives you the freedom to pursue your passions, both business and personal. I also strongly believe that the road to health, wealth, and a happy life includes time to enjoy yourself and also to serve others, and that being an entrepreneur is not an exclusive "club" open only to a select few.
So I suppose that's where this all comes together. The good, the bad, and the ugly (and there were negative times in my life as well as positive) brought me to where I am today and helped form the person I am. I feel that everything in our lives is part of a vast education far beyond any book learning.
Here's something I keep by my computer and read several times per day:
"Everything I need is already in me."
It's true of everyone on this planet. The key is in believing it and in using your unique gifts!
"If you want to change your life, just change your mind."
"Know that who you are is enough."
"Follow your bliss."