Danny is a super-awesome guy... aka... real-life super-hero/ aka cool.
Work: providing services for children with abuse-reactive needs at a residential psy tx facility in West Virginia since Aug. 2002. and providing online continuing education for Rec Therapists and allied professionals since 2007
Play: time with family. watching basketball with dad, eating cookies made by mom, anything books: shopping, stores, trading, reading, collecting, driving my car (except the winter).
Danny Pettry provides a variety of independent self-study continuing education programs for the recreational therapist and allied professionals.
These courses are affordable, accessible, flexible, enjoyable, easy-to-complete courses
Danny Pettry is an approved provider of continuing education activities by the Board of Nursing. Nursing WV 2007-0520RN
Rec Therapy CEUs: www.DannyPettry.Com (cont. ed.)
Rec Therapy Today: www.RecTherapyToday.com (email newsletter)
TeachLeisure: www.TeachLeisure.coom (leisure ed. resources)