· Maine State licensed massage therapist.
· NAFC certified personal trainer
· Down East School of Massage 2002
· CHEK Institute certifications for; Swiss Ball Training, Swiss Ball for Rehabilitation, Scientific Core Training
· Orthomassage 1&2 James Waslaski 2003-2004
· Certified senior strength trainer IWA 2006
· Professional member American Massage Therapy Association
· Certified Metabolic Typing â Advisor Level 2 2009
Advanced Myoskeletal Therapist level II. Freedom From Pain Institute 2010
· Swedish massage, stress reduction, Reiki
· Orthopedic massage (including; deep tissue, myofascial release, muscle energy techniques such as strain-counter-strain, positional release, neuromuscular re-education, PNF (proprioseptive neurological facilitation).
· Personal fitness training
· Corrective exercise training
· Customized Nutrition & Lifestyle coaching
The focus of my practice is to help my clients / patients identify and overcome areas of biomechanical restriction and chronic pain issues, prevent injury by improving flexibility and postural awareness, and maintain / restore optimal health thru customized nutrition via Metabolic Typing ®.
Incorporating a holistic approach tailored to each individuals needs and goals.
Why we choose to offer Wachters' products:
Simply put, the integrity of the company and the quality of their products.
We have been involved with whole foods nutrition including the Wachters' products for over 20 years.
It is possible to live life with adequate exercise, rest, and a balanced lifestyle, but without proper nutrition everything becomes compromised. Our bodies are in a constant state of building and repairing and require the proper building blocks to do so. With the added stress' of a demanding lifestyle and unhealthful environmental factors the requirements for good nutrition is even more necessary.
Wachters' goes beyond good nutrition to superior nutrition. Today's soils are becoming depleted of minerals and nutrients and soil based plants can take on environmental pollutants. Sea plants on the other hand are extremely mineral rich and in fact pull toxins from the body (read about sea plants and their benefits on the web site). Sea vegetables contain 40 times more nutrients than in any grown on land.
Using Wachters' products is an investment in your health and wellbeing.
To learn more about Wachters products go to our web page at; www.tavares.watchersdistributor.com and then click on the bar at the left or click "suggested programs" for nutrition program suggestions, or click on "Order Now" to view information about individual products. The "health quiz" link provides information on products for specific health goals. And check out the link "Sea Vegetation" for in-depth information about marine plant nutrition.
I slept and dreamt that life was a joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold! Service was joy.
Everything is either
an expression of love
or a call for love
A Course in Miracles
Many of my clients know the extent of which I go to in order to explain session goals and techniques I employ and to help them understand my observations. I am known to bring out anatomy books, charts and even a skeleton on occasion. I routinely provide current research papers on any given topic. Even though at times some issues may be controversial, I believe in providing the mind with an active process to stimulate thought and dialog. I also believe an educated patient has the best chances of success with prevention and recovery from injury or illness. Many people are coming to the realization their doctors do not have all the answers, that medications alone aren't the answer, that wellness is inclusive of multiple factors. It is within this theme that I present a variety of information.
So sit back and enjoy, read what you want and leave the rest. I hope what I provide is interesting and helpful.
Yours in wellness,