Dan Frost is an intuitive clairvoyant medium and Reiki Master Teacher whose compassionate demeanor and peaceful spirit has brought smiles and healing to many. It is with great joy that he seeks to assist others in their search for healing and truth.
Helping others and being of service to the greater good is the cornerstone of Daniel’s life. Since childhood, he felt compelled to serve; always eager to lend a hand to anyone in need. This yearning to help others combined with his desire to understand the mysteries and complexities of life has led him on an ongoing spiritual journey.
Dan has always had the gift of sight into the realm of Spirit. He is a natural empath as well. Many years went by before Dan fully understood what he was experiencing, and developed the courage to use his gifts to assist others. Through years of studying spiritual disciplines, meditation, and metaphysical teachings, Dan stepped onto his path of enlightenment and awakening, fully understanding the responsibility to integrity that goes along with helping others understand their own life journey.
The Buddha once said that life is birth, old age, sickness, and death. While that may be true, the core of Daniels’ belief is that life doesn’t simply end at physical death. He feels that this life is a continuous unbroken thread of which this physical incarnation is but one integral part. There are other parts to the thread that perhaps we are unable to see with clarity or fully understand at this time, and Dan welcomes these as future opportunities for growth and sharing.
I offer the following services to help others with their own awareness and empowerment:
Intuitive Clairvoyant Readings
Mediumship is the ability to connect with the spirit realms. A medium serves as the link here in the physical through which angels, guides, and loved ones in spirit can communicate with humans. Clairvoyance is the ability of an individual to actually “see” into the realms of spirit to provide insight into our physical lives. Intuition is something everyone has, though some individuals have a stronger, more developed “sixth sense” that allows them to use their inner sense of knowing to guide others.
I am grateful to be gifted in all three of the above areas, and use my abilities to share messages regarding love, career, finance, family, and relationships; along with any other information that is of assistance to your life path.
Kundalini Reiki and Energy Healing:
Kundalini is the universal life force energy that runs through our bodies. This energy originates at the root chakra at the base of the spine and flows to the crown chakra at the top of the head. When this main energy channel is closed, blocked, or restricted by stress or trauma, our bodies may experience physical and emotional ailments.
Kundalini Reiki is an effective tool for opening and balancing this natural energy channel. When the channel is open, our chakra system becomes strengthened, and opens energetic pathways that may facilitate healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. This modality is often performed as an adjunct to conventional methods for treating specific ailments.
Kundalini Reiki Check-Up Session
The check-up session is an additional, though optional adjunct to the original Kundalini Reiki series that continues the circulation of Kundalini energy where you need it most.
Energetic Power Session
The Energetic Power Session is a wonderful modality for those wishing to make larger strides on their path to enlightenment.
Past Life Energy Session
The Past Life Energy Session is an exceptional tool for those who feel that a past lifetime may be a factor in blockages experienced in this lifetime. If you know you have done everything possible to facilitate mental, physical, and energetic healing, and are still not getting the results you should have achieved, this session may be the “missing link” that will finally bring everything together.
Gift of the Holy Spirit
I have been blessed to be able to share this particular gift of healing with others. Holy Spirit is one of the names given to the “God/Source Energy” recognized by most spiritual disciplines as the force behind miraculous healings. The Gift of the Holy Spirit session is a quick, yet powerful burst of this beautiful energy that is channeled through me then to you. The focus of this work is simply about allowing and accepting the energy of the Holy Spirit, so the more open one is to receiving it, the more they are filled with its power. Holy Spirit is intelligent energy; it will not give anyone more than their unique body can handle. This session may be helpful in removing energetic, emotional, and spiritual blocks to facilitate energetic balancing and healing.
Cleansing and Clearing of Homes and Businesses
Keeping the energies in your home clear and light make for a comfortable, pleasant living space. There are many cultures and disciplines that believe the events that have occurred in a dwelling are recorded in its walls. Energetic Cleansing and Clearing is an effective way to achieve a blissful home environment. This practice is sometimes referred to as “ghostbusting.
Please visit http://www.danfrosthealing.com for further details regarding the above information.
Website: http://www.danfrosthealing.com
Phone: 443-310-7992
Email: daniel@danfrosthealing.com
Read Dan's newspaper columns at the Elkridge Patch newspaper: http://elkridge.patch.com/columns/spirit-corner
Dan Frost Facebook Fan Page