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Daeryl Holzer is a clairvoyant, spiritual
teacher and author of Opening
A Window To The Soul: A Guide to Living Beyond the Human Drama.
approach focuses on viewing life from the soul perspective rather than the
human drama, the body/mind/emotion connection as a means to transform our
lives, and the value of improving our connection to Spirit and each other. She
travels extensively to present lectures and workshops helping people shift out
of fear and conflict through spiritual awareness and powerful guided
visualizations. In private consultations, Daeryl sees the soul story behind
emotional patterns, relationships, health issues and blocks to success and
provides innovative, yet practical, techniques to transform personal challenges.
Her intuitive gifts, spiritual insights and compassionate
communication skills were developed as she worked through nearly a decade of
personal tragedy and life-changing events. On her journey of transformation,
Daeryl developed a comprehensive spiritual system which has proven to be
powerfully effective in letting go of difficulties and moving forward to
greater goals and happiness. In addition to her spiritual consultations with
clients for over ten years, she has also been a volunteer in domestic violence,
child abuse, teen programs and substance abuse services.
Published in 2008, Opening A
Window To The Soul: A Guide to Living Beyond the Human Drama is a
compilation of Spirit-guided insights and down-to-earth advice. With easily
understood explanations and personal examples, the book addresses commonly asked
questions regarding the nature of the soul, the cycle of reincarnation and soul
evolution, family and love relationships, the body, mind and emotions, soul
purpose and Spirit guides.
For over eight years, Daeryl has
been a popular presenter at New Thought Churches, Holistic Expos and
Healing Centers across the country.
Lecture topics include: Understanding Soul Evolution as a Path to Empowerment;
Receiving - A New Vision; There is No Evil - It's Only Pain; Staying Magical in the Midst of Fear; and Opening A Window To
The Soul.
Workshop topics include: Past Life Healing; Soulmate or Big Mistake? (on
love relationships); Stepping Out of Your Childhood Trauma; Changing the Way
We Change; and Meet Your Spirit Team.
For more information about Daeryl, visit
Daeryl is a popular inspirational speaker at conferences, new thought churches and other spiritual events. She presents workshops on a variety of topics including love relationships, past lives, overcoming childhood pain, connecting to Spirit Guides, and reprogramming unhealthy emotional patterns. To find out about events in your area or to invite Daeryl to speak at your event, call 432-295-0270 or visit
Daeryl is also available for personal consultations, by phone and through email readings. Visit for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Be sure to visit Daeryl's blog, with daily messages from Spirit.
When we understand our lives from the perspective of our soul's journey, we are able to let go of resentments, transform our imbalanced emotions and automatic reactions, pursue our true path and improve our relationships.
Transformation is a combination of awareness, determination and faith. Information is important, but you also need practical methods of applying those spiritual concepts to your everyday life.
The root of so many of our earthly problems is our sense of separation. We have forgotten our ability and our need to connect, with Spirit and with each other.
From a client...
a great book! It's like having a personal reading on every page. Holzer has
unraveled the complexities of current life issues (relationship, health,
career, family, abundance, etc) with her easy-to-understand explanations of how
past life experience influences our daily lives. She's put a decade of the most
frequently asked questions during her readings into a Q & A format so you
can skip around or read it cover to cover. The insights gave me the
understanding I had been lacking and, therefore, the ability to release and
forgive issues I had been holding onto since childhood.”
For more information about Daeryl, her philosophy, background, events, projects and services, visit
To view free excerpts or purchase Daeryl's book, Opening A Window To The Soul: A Guide to Living Beyond the Human Drama, visit