Dr. Cory Holly is the CEO and Founder of the Cory Holly Institute. He is a Naturopathic Doctor and Professor of Holistic Nutrition and has worked in the health food, supplement and fitness industry since 1975. Dr. Holly is the author of a dozen books and courses and hundreds of magazine articles. He is a technical advisor, teacher, coach, trainer and product formulator and competes as a world class Masters Athlete. Dr. Holly presents lectures, workshops and seminars at universities and trade shows worldwide. www.coryholly.com
Dr. Cory Holly's Mentorship Training Partner Program
Workout and train with Dr. Cory Holly! This is an investment into your health and life. Once you understand the pattern, the principles and the process you can take the knowledge gained with you anywhere in the world with confidence and assurance. After being mentored, tutored and inspired by Dr. Holly you can train and eat correctly for the rest of your life and achieve your personal goals. Health is the single greatest Wealth. Without health we lose our independence and freedom, and what is more important than that?
Motivation is a function of incentive born out of necessity and desire. It is fueled by enthusiasm, driven by passion, governed by positive emotion, compelled by logic and sustained by clarity of vision.
The incentive to exercise emanates from the conceptualization of its necessity.
Pursue Health…and Performance will follow!
Exercise is not an option!
Visit www.coryholly.com to learn more about our audio, video and distance learning online certification programs in sports nutrition, health & fitness. The CSNA education program is the most comprehensive and complete course of its kind in the world. It is the Owners Manual for Health and Life none of us received at birth. Please contact CHI by email chi@coryholly.com or phone 1-866.433-1595
Experience the excitement and personal fulfillment of designing a new career in sports nutrition. Become an leading expert and icon in the field that you love and sincerely believe in! There's nothing like it!