Clare Chapman is an accredited Australian Bush Flower Essences College Course Teacher and Practitioner (Level 1, 2, 3 & College Teacher Accreditation Certificates, Women's Wellbeing, Men's Health, Dowsing & ABFE, Numerology & ABFE, Light Frequency Essences and Advanced Certificate in White Light Essences). Clare holds a BA English and is a full member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).
Clare has been using and prescribing Australian Bush Flower Essences for over 6 years, and under the personal guidance of ABFE founder, Ian White, has been teaching the official Australian Bush Flower Essences College Course in the Clarence Valley and Coffs Coast areas of Northern NSW, Australia, for the past 3 years.
Clare is also an experienced keynote and conference speaker on the Australian Bush Flower Essences and how they can be used in the business world and professional organisations to achieve more productive staff - naturally!
Clare established Baliena Flower Therapies in early 2008, with the aim of creating a business solely dedicated to the purpose of empowering people through the use of Australian Bush Flower Essences and other supportive techniques - enabling people to gain better health and wellbeing by healing and understanding their own emotions.