My purpose is to continue to grow in all areas of my life into a great leader so I can inspire others to be the best they can be and to help others create the lives for themselves and their family that they truly want. Part of this includes teaching people how to turn their liabilities into assets.
My field of passion is human potential. I study this, through academic, structured courses and through my own means, such as self-development books, seminars, audio learning and with like minded people.
A small summary on how I view life - I believe that as many great leaders have agreed (such Earl Nightingale & Napoleon Hill), "we become what we think about". Higher quality thoughts increase our desire to take the necessary action, and encourage us to make high-value decisions, needed to create quality lives for ourselves and our family. It is also the way to learn to be inner directed where as many people are outer directed people - meaning they believe their lives are shaped by circumstances and things that happen to them, rather than their by their own thoughts and actions. Truly mature, responsible people, believe the latter.
Our actions and results are heavily influenced by our conditioning and paradigms, thoughts and beliefs. In order to change our results, we must change our beliefs, our paradigms and break away from the conditioning of our past. This is how to create success in life, whatever your definition of success is. The best definition of success I have every heard is: "Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal", Earl Nightingale.
I look forward to networking with others, especially like-minded people and entrepreneurs. Lets Link-In to share our goals (career and personal), our passions and ideas.
If you share similar interests please check out my blog at