My name is Christopher Link and I have been studying spirituality, consciousness and awareness for about ten years now and continuing on for self-growth and self-realization. It is my passion and mission in life to help as many people as possible to advance themselves in higher consciousness. I plan on doing this mostly through my passion for creative writing, through books as a published Author. Most of my knowledge comes from self education through reading, audio, video and seminars that deal with success in a spiritual nature and a passion/raw talent for creative writing. My vision has to do with a leveling up in higher consciousness for the enlightenment of all people and the planet.
Ascension for self and planet is the main focus for this time period. The world and it's people are rapidly changing and moving up in vibration. We have moved out of the third dimension and are currently in the lower fourth dimension, moving quickly to the fifth. We are in a time of much turbulence do to the third dimensional matrix removal. Full truth disclosure about what is really happening on the planet Earth will be coming soon. This has to do with technologies and patents that have been suppressed in every area that would majorly help the planet and people. Galatic disclosure about Aliens being here now, assisting us and our true heritage with them and also how they are working with planet Earth for it's Ascension. We will be going through many personal and planetary upgrades as we enter into higher consciousness and the next Golden Age, going into the Age of Aquarius. People are awakening all over the world and are thirsty for spiritual knowledge and the truth. With Truth Seeking and Visionary Spirituality we will grow together for a better world!
The best way to learn about me and the knowledge I have gathered is to read my first published book:
Coming Out of the Illusion: REALIZING THE REAL YOU
Christopher Link
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