Chrishawn Simpson is a Transformation Specialist, who uses the power of the written word and divine inspiration from the Almighty God to empower people to overcome obstacles, get balanced, flourish, and have the life they were created to have.
Ms. Simpson opened up her company, Transform Your Path, to offer her life-changing program to the world. She feels everyone can benefit and flourish from a life of self-balance and encourages everyone to take the necessary steps to do so. She believes transformation is a wonderful process and in her 16-chapter revolutionary book, you will get 21 exercises that will challenge you to your very core and make you face reality – which sometimes isn’t pretty; but is very necessary for change to begin. Once you complete this guide, you will be strengthened, alive, and whole. You will be TRANSFORMED!
She believes everyone has a purpose and a plan for their lives and provides the necessary resources for them to release their true potential.
"Listen to the whispers of your heart and know how truly beautiful you are!" - Josiane Antonette
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Phillipians 4:13
STOP * BREATHE * REFLECT - Now, does it really matter to my life?" --Chrishawn Simpson
To learn more about the Transform Your Path program, please visit the website at
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