Chris Curtis is in network marketing professional who is dedicated to helping others achieve their financial goals by following whatever it is that they are passionate about in life. Chris believes that passion is the driving force behind all success. Chris has built teams of thousands of people in network marketing and has promoted multiple affiliate programs successfully for the last 5+ years.
The world of 2012 is fast-paced to say the least. People want what they want right now and sometimes forget to sit back and just smell the roses. The reality is that every aspect of life is a gift that needs to be treasured. The reason why I have chosen network marketing is because it gives the average person the ability to see real financial success without having to be super educated or have any special skill sets. I admire people who are well educated and those who are very skillful, but at the same time realize that the majority of average people are not.
Network marketing is a way for people who would otherwise be at the mercy of the dead end job, to gain financial freedom. Financial freedom is not about having a big house on a hill that looks over everyone else in the valley below. I believe that financial freedom is necessary so that you can fulfill the calling that God has placed in your life to help those who are less fortunate around you. With this might come the nicer house and the nicer car, but the true fulfillment in life is based on doing something that is bigger than yourself.
I hear a lot in the network marketing industry that it is important to find your why. I absolutely agree with this. You have to have a strong why if you want to be successful. At the same time, a lot of people make their why about having more material possessions or making more money. Now I am not a monk that lives in a monastery and I'm not being self-righteous. The truth of the matter is though, if your why is about money and the mansion on a hill, it will never be enough of a driving force to propel you in the direction of success.
Think about it! Everyone wants to have more money and most of us who live in the land of opportunity already have everything that we need to achieve anything we want in life. This means that if we want to have a nicer house and the nicer car, we can get it by doing nothing more than going out, working hard and taking advantage of opportunity. Like I said most people want more money, but how many people do you know who are willing to work for it?
The reason why money is not enough of a driving force to be successful is because at a deeper level we know that money doesn't really matter. What does matter and life is the difference that we make in the lives of others. I always recommend that my team members find a why that is beyond themselves. An example would be, my wife and I have a passion for helping teenage mothers. The reason why is because we had a baby in high school. We know what it's like to go through a teenage pregnancy, so we want to use our experience to help others who are going through the same thing. This is one of the driving forces behind why failure is not an option in my business. If I have financial freedom, I can help a lot more people around me that I could if I was working at a dead-end job as a high school dropout.
Yes, I am a high school dropout. I am proud to say however that my wife and I both individually earn a six-figure plus income in our chosen fields. I am a network marketer and she is a real estate professional. It goes to show that it does not matter what your past circumstances might be, you can achieve anything that you put your mind to, providing that you have passion behind whatever it is that you are doing.