My background is in farming, agticulture and mining in Western Australia, and later training and work in Ministry/Clergy, unitl health issues took their toll.
I, and my wife have just celebrated our 20th anniversary. We have 3 children. The oldest starts University in a few weeks or so. The beginning of a shrinking nest....ages and stages.
I am in the process of completing work on two new sections for my website on Creation/Evolution and why we can say there is a God, and still accept an evolutionary process.
Hobbies include the bush, fossicking, gemstones, and fishing. Where you can find the natural vision therapy eye exercise kit that turned my vision around.
We offer a simple, easy to use program, and invite others to simply do what I did.
There come times in life when just seeking the answers is not enough, because we don't always know enough to ask the right questions....
For example: If I have blurry vision and ask my optometrist "What strength glasses do Ii need?" I will get the answer I expect.
It's a whole different thing to ask several different experts in the vision field: "What are my alternatives?"
I love the quote: "We don't know what we don't know." This is a powerful "truth" that should humble us and send us seeking to know more...
This point has chellenged me in my Theology. It has led me to whole new understandings about this earth, geology, how life came to be, creation, the flood, and God.
It has let me to challenge the common belief that human acitivity is responsible for Global Warming. I now belieive it is not!
Because of my age, vision issues begin to surface, and my search for natural solutions has led me to discover ways to exercise my eyes that I never knew existed.....and now 6 years on I am still not wearing glasses
I have a great interest in natural health and lifestyle, so if I face any health challenge
my first reaction is to seek a natural solution.
In my mid 40's I began to get blurry vision on close up reading, older age reading blur...very annoying. So I went looking for a solution.
I have good vision again, all through eye exercises. It may not last a lifetime, and I may be forced to get specs one day years into the future, but for now I can read the fine print again. So I am excited about my success.
My success has become a passion - if it works for me, I believe I can work for others. I was also frustrated with the volume of eye programs available online and my conclusion that most of them did not match up to their claims.
So we have begun to get the message out there that it can be done.