Cheryl says most "professionals" haven't a clue, unless you've personally experienced recovery, or being the parent of an addict, and have been moved by an expert who "knows", you are simply adding to the problems a person or family is already experiencing.
Cheryl has evolved coaching to help you reconnect your physical, spiritual and emotional parts of yourself...Your Own Greatness!
Get coached and engage in life again, move into your own authenticity and feel connected to the people and things in life that you love!
Cheryl is the founder of :
The Unexpected Path your child is walking. Exclusive for parents of addicts who are sick and tired of the bullshit mainstream programs that cause more hurt than help.
Addiction Recovery Life Coaching. Working with addicts who want to move beyond recovery and create a life they absolutely love and want to live each and every day! Edgy kick ass coaching that challanges you to live and walk in your own greatness in life!
One hour weekly session to radically shift you out of a life you feel miserable living to a life you love! Available worldwide.
Speaker us to find out how we can serve your group.
Life Coaching for Your Soul...compassionate, caring, loving is where we begin.
Discovering where you are, what is supporting you there, and where you want to go.
Helping you to break the illusion that keep you from reaching your greatness, your success in life.
Supporting you as you step into Your Greatness, your bigger picture of life.
Celebrating with you as you become the FABULOUS you that you were always meant to be!
Who's responsible for your life, your happiness, your peace of mind? YOU ARE.
Want more love...You need to become more loving.
Want more peace...You need to become more peaceful.
Want people to get along with one another...You need to get along.
Want your children to love themselves...You need to love yourself.
Want your church to be more spiritual...You need to become more spiritual.
Want to "fix" someone...fix Yourself.