About the Author: Celine Healy is a speaker, writer, blogger, and a trainer on topics such as: stress, wellness, leadership and corporate wellbeing. Celine is also passionate about mental and physical health. Celine approaches these topics from a scientific point of view. “If you can’t measure something you will never understand it”. Discover how to increase your overall wellness by utilising The Ultimate Guide to Letting Go and Moving On (In 2019) Visit Celine’s website: https://www.wellnessthatworks.com.au
Coming soon. A new online learning course on How to Improve Your Confidence using a scientifically reasearched, tested and proven strategy that has been tested world-wide on thousands of people.
This particular quote by Tony Rpbbins is one which resonate with me enormously:
" Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus ALL of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives. "
My approach to increasing wellbeing on every level is to do one step at-a time. This is based on my 5-Step Model of Wellness: Stress to Success. Stress is at the baiss of all of our dis-ease, failure, non-success and disease. Stress has an impact on the whole of your body/mind. Because of that my apporach starts with with repairing your physiology. Next you need to release those underlying issues which are the cause of the stress. Thirdly, you will then need to renew from the celllular level by changing your eating, drinkng and movement patterns. Fourthly, after you achieved that level of feeling better, in order to make significant gains in life you need to be able to identify who you are, accept and acknowledge those skills and put them to use. Then finally, once you have achieved all of that you are in a position to be able to set goals whcih align with who you really are, the destressed, more confident and motivated individual.
I have several websites which deal with those specific articiles of expertise and on topics on whch I write about.
For stress related issues go to : https://www.stresstosuccess.com.au
For mental health issues go to : https://www.celinehealy.com
For wellness issues go to : https://www.welnessthatworks.com.au
For leadership articles to go : https://www.leadershipandcorporatewellness.com.au
I have had many books publisged on amazon.com/books/celinehealy
Celine Healy
+61 408 646 887