Thank for visiting my profile. My expertise is developing and producing large scale and medium sized festivals, conventions, conferences, retreats, workshops and other special events to market and present your gifts and talents to the world while also promoting a message that is your brand throughout.
Festival for Change is an example of what I have produced from concept to execution. It is September 14-16, 2012 in NY. To view the immense logistics and coordination involved take a look at the retreat's Program Schedule at:
Peak performance, spirituality, high vibrational energy and creating awareness for those I mentor and inspire began about a decade ago. My expertise is in events and brand building, more specifically experiential events - you know the ones that change your perspective, perception on the way you view things internally and externally? Through the live experience the participants' experience life transforming experiences creating top of mind recall, action, and results in the many areas they are seeking to break through, reach, overcome, or co-exist with.
The results of experiential is amazing. We have been able to increase results 200% - 300% on engagement while achieving exponential results on viral while increasing activation to between 20% - 30% where traditional marketing is about 1% - 3% results.
Creating Powermastery, was a 7 year evolution beginning at the Tony Robbins level where I first learned about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). It is without doubt one of the fastest ways to gain control of your inner game while ensuring you take the actions to led you to greatness, satisfaction, and results. Over the years I have had the priviledge of learning other philosophies of personal development, peak performance and empowerment. For the last two years I have been managing a group in NYC that met on a monthly basis attracting up to 120 participants per month. This created a learning annex from who attended and shared as well as the presenters who spoke with the group each month.
With this experience in tow, and having learned what works and does not in personal development it has become apparent successful and growth forward people need and want to surround themselves with like minds. What is also true is what strategy or technique works for one may not work for another. Keeping all this in mind Powermastery has formed with powerful monthly gatherings in NYC as well as an annual conference and retreat. The first annual retreat was June 2008 and incredibly successful.
The monthly gatherings bring forth presenters on different topics to grow your life, feeds the engine that navigates your destiny, and connect you live with like minds to work together in specialty skill mills to address each month niche areas where you seek to improve, excel, and breakthrough. The community is also based on the foundation of contribution where we see a bigger picture beyond our own selves.
As the experiential event producer I bring people together, connect them and create life transforming experiences through the events they are involved in and attend through (a completely free site and community to join and be part of).
Carson Worldwide is the corporate side of the experiential events and marketing where the clients include celebrities, personal development presenters, Nissan, Samsung, Estee Lauder, Chock Full O Nuts, Intel, CBS, American Digestve Health Foundation, City of New York, etc. More information at
Powermastery community meets monthly in NYC. These empowerment meetings hosts a new presenter each month, and provides hands-on group skill mills to grow and expand your possibilities in life. We also get together for outings nationwide - mostly around NYC area currently.
The community is based on integrity, empowerment, contribution, and connecting in live ways to each other while building a powerful trusted circle of like minds for our personal growth.
If you never begin you never finish. It is so true when you hear cliches as "Just Do It!", "You gotta be in it to win it", and "Swim out to meet your ship".
In personal empowerment you are responsible for your own destiny and results (and also your company's -if you own one). Assuming responibility is the first step after taking action. The next is to again be consistent and take action again to keep the momentum alive and to right the wrongs that may have found a different path than intended.
How to get started on the path the personal development and empowerment - visit and register at (there are two registrations) for access to the site Forum; and register to receive email updates about our upcoming events, meetings, teleconferences, and special shares from our trusted community of authors and presenters.
If you have a company or business to market and you want to take advantage of a powerful way to market and brand what you have to offer and your company/business visit and contact me likewise.
Success is determined what you do, it is based on who you are. Within the next few moments whether you one that takes action or a person of inaction this expresses that area of your life. The hint is success leaves clues, and the most successful people on Earth in all areas of discipline and life are those who take immediate and laser like action to move towards their vision, dream or goal.