I am a student of life and a licensed psychotherapist whose own life is committed to deep and profound healing. For sixteen years, I have had a successful private practice in Santa Monica, CA - offering myself as a guide, a vessel, and a healer with a medicine bag. I take people into the depths of their psyche while offering a mindfulness approach that allows one to be present to life's circumstance. I am passionate about bringing the inner work of mindfulness to every aspect of life and how it can affect one’s ability to become pregnant, birth a child, mother, and live presently in one's body. I have been practicing Buddhist Insight meditation for the past twenty-five years and have been teaching individuals how to develop a meditation and spiritual practice that they can make their own. I am a wife - married to the most extraordinary man (who is also a psychotherapist) , a grateful mother (who recognizes that my daughter is my greatest teacher), a sister, a daughter, and a soulmate to my soul-sister friends. I pray at the temple of nature and open in the presence of beauty, connections, and Spirit. Presently my husband and I are developing a radio show called, "He Said, She Said."
I’d love to hear from you!
I offer counseling appointments in person, by phone, and by Skype.
My office is located in Santa Monica, CA
To schedule an appointment, email me at: carriedinow@gmail.com