As a former medical research technician, Carolyn had always been deeply rooted in Science. Just as the tests that she ran on a daily basis were proof of the hypothesis of her experiments, she needed proof in her life as well, that everything ran according to scientific plan and irrefutable evidence. However, That all changed in 2002 when a sudden health care crisis endangered her life. During recuperation, she became emotionally paralyzed, feeling that her body and indeed Science, had betrayed her. This idea was life-changing and led to her investigation of something completely out of the realm of her belief: The “mind-body connection”: She discovered EFT, hypnotherapy and guided imagery. This inner journey provided a sense of peace, understanding and acceptance. The process worked so well that for the first time in her life, she allowed something other than hard core Science to rule her: She became a believer!
This sudden change in belief was the impetus for Carolyn to become certified in EFT and EFT Advanced, Hypnotherapy and Quantum Touch. She then became a California State Certified Instructor in EFT and Hypnotherapy and teaches at HCH Institute for Hypnotherapy and Psychospiritual Trainings in Lafayette, CA, where she also practices. Carolyn also maintains a practice in Martinez, CA.
Through her association with HCH Institue in Lafayette, Carolyn hosts a workshop, "Hypnosis and EFT for Pain and Wellness", the last Tuesday night of each month. This popular meeting is open to the public, as well as therapists and EFT practitioners. Fee is $25.00 per person. The time is 7pm to 9pm. 6:30 to 7pm is reserved for those who require an introduction to EFT in order to actively participate in the workshop. The agenda consists of group therapy to mitigate emotional/physical pain using EFT and hypnosis. Each meeting is unique; thus, each time one attends, something new is experienced.
With a partner, Carolyn also runs "Becoming Smoke Free" seminars for California corporations, in which EFT, along with guided imagery and hypnotherapy, is employed to end cigarette addiction.
Since writing is Carolyn's second love, she customizes hypnotherapy scripts and guided imagery scripts for her clients, and is also available to customize scripts for other practitioners, as well.
To be put on Carolyn's mailing list for upcoming Hypnosis/EFT nights and seminars, please email her at Your email address will never be shared with anyone.
First and foremost, "Do no harm".
Your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality, so impress yourself with your imagination!
It's easy to hypnotize yourself: Just do or think of something you're truly passionate about...everything else will disappear for a time.
Please go to Carolyn's website for further information.
You can email Carolyn through this site to be put on her mailing list of upcoming free EFT meetings and future seminars.