~ A Collision of Cause and Capability ~
In 2011 Carl launched his passion for live, Every Child Healthy Network, Building Champions for Life camps in South Lake Tahoe for children ages 8-18. Each year over 200 kids will spend the summer with Coach Carl and his staff of doctors learning life skills for their body, mind and spirit.
Since launching Coach Carl has authored two books, "Six Steps to Tranform Childhood Obesity into Champions for Life" and "The 6 Steps Parents Action Guide." This year Coach Carl and Every Child Healthy will launch 4 more books and over 15 products on Child, Teen personal growth, obesity, weight loss, leadership, and parenting kids in a new world.
Coach Carl has assembled a team of doctors, therapist and professional trainers and athletes who serve on this board of directors to tackle the child/teen obesity epidemic, even more, teaching kids life skills they desperately need to live in today's world.
For the Back Story:
2000-2001 Coach Carl worked for Tony Robbins as a results coach. Then ventured off and began coaching doctors across the U.S, Canada and Australia until 2006 he managed over 25 doctors per year on up to as many as 83 doctors per year.
In 2004 Carl was asked to serve as Vice President of a practice management firm, Destiny Inc. Carl built a coaching division within the company to serve its clients and employees. A few years later, the company went public and is now valued at $150 million.
In 2006-08, Carl started a new company offering innovative financial and wealth building products to the market. He found some uncontested market opportunities and his start up venture produced over $1.3 million in sales its first year.
In 2009-2010 Carl found a partner, self made billionaire Bill Bartmann, at one time was the 25th wealthiest man in America and Carl built a sales and marketing engine for his unique program call “How to Buy Bank Owned Assets. In their first 8 months as partners Carl drove over $500,000 in revenue for Bill Bartmann Enterprises.
Coach Carl™ has presented for diverse individuals and organizations, such as:
• India School of Business
• Claim Your Power Now
• Maximizing Success
• Shared Vision Network
• Learning Exchange
Coach Carl is a father of a 4 year old girl and enjoys spending time in nature, fishing, hiking, weight lifting, yoga, meditating and sharing his life with his daugther.
Choices For Champions “Mini” Camp
Every Child Healthy Network offers “mini” camps for kids age range 10-17 for a select group of kids. The “mini” camp is only offered 4 per year, once in the summer. The mini camp is a high energy and fun-flled 5 days with Coach Carl and his personal fitness and nutrition trainers.
The focus on the 5 day “mini” camp are as follows:
Kids get to experience what its like to feel like a champion in their life for 5 straight days, as well as the habits of how champions live, eat, exercise and the attitudes they express. As kids learn these new habits they can carry them into the classroom, at home with their friends and family. The “mini” camp leaves kids with new, inspiring and longterm tools to use in their lives!
On the final day of the “min” camp parents have the opportunity to participate with their kids, engage in the activities with them. Parents will also spend time with Coach Carl learning new parenting, eating and activity strategies. It’s an intimate day with your kid(s) and Coach Carl highly recommends parents take advantage of this opportunity to learn, grow and enjoy time with their kids.
During the 5 days kids will learn and explore the 6 Step System in mini version, different than our regular summer camps which kids “live and breath” the 5 steps for two to four weeks, in the mini camps kids get an accelerated version of the longer camps.
Additional information about the “min” camp:
How do you register?
“Min” camp tuition is $495.
To register click on the registration form PDF on this page.
You can also call 877-786-5587 or email info@EveryChildHealthy.com
The “mini” camp consists of no more than 25 kids per camp.
Office Address:
Coach Carl Logrecco
123 W. Nye Lane, Suite 130
Carson City, NV 89706
Camp Location
4H Camp
Zephyr Cove, NV 89448