The Inner Game of Leadership. Evolutionary Leaders towards the world we long for ..
Caitrìona Reed is the co-founder of Five Changes and Manzanita Village Retreat. She works with evolutionary leaders, conscious entrepreneurs, and spiritual and social creatives; to develop the skills and mindset for long-lasting personal integration, natural brilliance, and professional success.
She is a teacher of Buddhism, as well as a master-trainer of NLP, and Ericksonian Hypnosis. For three decades she has lead retreats, workshops, and trainings internationally; and has guided thousands of individuals to embody rapid change for long-lasting real-world results.
If you do not have a destination, a goal, then how can you ever arrive there? At the same time, if you have a goal, but are fixated on arriving there, without really knowing where you are right now, you cannot fully know the steps you must take. To pursue your dreams and goals, AND to live fully in the present, THAT is key. Caitriona Reed
Taking care of the planet, taking responsibility for the living systems that support our life, and taking care of ourselves are all the same thing. We ARE the planet. We are 'nature' - if we navigate and survive the current environmental challenges we face - what a great opportunity this will have been to move towards a larger perspective and greater human role of responsibility and planetary husbandry. Caitriona Reed
To encourage her patients an oncologist tells them that every cell in their body is eavesdropping on their mind. To encourage his students the Buddha tells them that every living being is eavesdropping on their heart. Caitriona Reed
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