Bruce E. Crapuchettes, Ph.D.
Francine C. Beauvoir, Ph.D.
areboth licensed psychologists who have been married to each other overforty years and have four adult children. They specialize in working with people in relationships: couples,parents, and singles who want to be in relationship. Each has trained extensively under Dr. Harville Hendrix andboth are on the faculty of The Imago International Institute in New York. Bruce was the dean of the faculty fortwo years (2003-2005) and is one of two active Master Trainers in ImagoTherapy. He received his Ph.D.from Fuller Graduate School of Psychology in Pasadena. Francine received her Ph.D. from theUniversity of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles and is the author of thepopular book and CD/Tape set called, “Raising Cooperative &Self-Confident Children.” Both are members of the American Psychological Associationand Imago International Relationships ( They co-founded the Pasadena InstituteFor Relationships ( in California in 1990.