There are certainly are a large number of people who haven't realized their potential in terms of their interpersonal value system! This is exactly what my plans were to assist people with from the outset and seemingly, that is preceisely what does with the timeless writings inside.
Currently, I am approaching 40, but still comfortably in my 30s. I am married with a daughter and a son along with a home of many years. My goals are to continue to assist people globally with bettering their values by coupling them with logical based decision making, and empathetic viewpoints.
In addition, helping people with their 'mate' relationships and creating a more seamless 'loving' environment amongst couples everywhere!
My life's mantra is that "36,500 days is a seemingly short frame of time, yet it equals 100 years of life on earth"! By living your life as true to yourself as possible, while yielding as much of yourself to the people you hold dear, your setting yourself up for not only success in your physical life, but after life as well!
Take accountability for your life everyday, live life from an empathetic view, and only maintain relationships that are based on the same values as yours! Remember, your time is valuable, so don't waste it by spending it on frivalous relations and poorly based notions.