Holistic health therapist initially certified by Istituto per le ricerche energetiche, Milan, Italy 1986. After 26 years of independent research and parallel holistic therapy experience in Italy and Croatia he established the original art of bio-sensorial analysis and holistic self healing program.
◦ Author of the Body and Mind Memory Analysis,
◦ Author of Evolutionary Reflection self-healing and self-regeneration therapy by body and
mind memory releasing,
◦ Author of original procedures of holistic anti-aging program.
◦ Divulgator of new cognitions and facts on mind properties of the material world.
◦ Educator on art of vitality and memory analysis, body, mind, food and environment
◦ Columnist offering a new insight on the reality of health.
Boris Cyprýn asserts:
• The body memorizes. The perfection of body memorising ability transcend absolutely the
speculative memorising ability of human mind.
• Human body is of absolute intelligence! Human mind is of speculative and that for inferior
• The ability to memorize is the body first prerequisite. The human body never forgets.
• Cyprýn Method distinguishes two types of body memory:
- The Basic, innate Project Memory of perfect health - preserves integrity and
functions of each body tissue, organ and body liquid.
- The acquired memories - records of all past experiences adverse to inborn vitality
constitution, adverse to Project Memory of perfect health.
• Distinction and recognition of different memory types impressed and accumulated in body
organ or tissue opens the direct possibility of their dissolution and elimination of their pathologic
action. No one illness can resist to this self-healing method.
• Body mnemonic ability is the key healing factor. The body's original inborn Knowledge, when
recognized, becomes your perfect healer and health guard.
• There are neither bad nor good memories if we apply non-subjective concept of personal
development. The key question of personal integrity and health is: Does our past and actual
experiences correspond to criteria of Unity and Unconditioned Love.
• One cannot start personal progress if his action is limited on changing own behaviour from now
on. There is no future without recognizing and eliminating obstacles memorized in the past.
• Disintegrated parts or derivates of natural and integral row material in food or environment are
aggressive and disintegrating for human body.
• The body intelligence and its omniscient do not accept neither compromises nor surrogates.
Start with Cypryn Method
The first step is elaboration of detailed personalized health and vitality analysis and behaviour concept analysis. These analyses are of bio-sensorial type and are executed by analyst identification with client’s photo. On the base of initial analysis, individualized self-healing program is elaborated. The client alone executes Self-healing instructions. You can release all acquired memories adverse to inborn Project Memory of perfect health. No illness or disorder can resist to this self-healing therapy. Immediate body sensations prove its rebirth. Take experience of fact: Body =Mind. Enable the body inborn Knowledge to heal you. Use clinical exam to verify healing results. Detailed description of self-healing instructions and procedure you can reques by e-mail. Cyprýn is always on disposition to discuss your question, actual condition and changes generated by therapy. Consultations are considered part of building self confidence and abilities to organize healthy life style. Holistic education for health is important element to assure newly acquired knowledge to become a part of client everyday practice. This program is applicable without leaving your home. Reed more about self healing procedure on www.healthsourceinyou.info
Continue with Anti-aging seminar program
After this online experience, each client can request information about private anti-aging seminar program which take place in the Mediterranean pearl, town of Dubrovnik. Vacation atmosphere with cultural background and natural food makes part of it. This program will surely give you maximum satisfaction.
Contacting Boris Cyprýn
You can get information about his research results and work on his page www.healthsourceinyou.info.
You can meet him online and get personal experience of his revolutionary method applying for analysis on http://healthsourceinyou.info/inquiry.php
For other information use e-mail: cypryn8@gmail.com
Boris Cyprýn Health & Anti-Aging Lab
P.Krešimira IV 39
20000 Dubrovnik
tel. **385*20 425096
gsm. **385*99 3969930