Bonnie James, President of Advanced Reading Concepts Speed Reading Plus is a nationally recognized speaker and trainer for conferences, trade associations, schools, corporations and government installations. She is one of the founders of this company that was started in 1977 by professionals who used their backgrounds from American Speedreading Academy and Evelyn Woods Reading Dynamics to create a hybrid of the best visual and comprehension building techniques currently known. She has augmented the quality of the program through additional research in reading and Accelerated Learning along with years of experience.
Bonnie has been listed in Columbus' Businss First newspaper "Who's Who in Business Education and Training" and in 2007 was a "featured local entrepreneur". Last November, Bonnie recieve the "Career Achievement" Award from the Ohio State University's College of Education and Human Ecology for great contributions to her profession. She won the 2007 micro entrepreneur of the year award for Consumer Services from Increase Community Development Corporation in Columbus for helping thousands of people reach their goals. In 2007 she was also a finalist for Woman of the Year in the TechColumbus Topcat awards for the supporting role she played in helping to improve the reading productivity of the engineers, scientists and researchers in her classes , giving them the increased time to continue to advance technology.
She firmly believes that it takes good in person coaching to change a life time habit like reading. She personally goes to her clients nationwide to provide that. Students come from all over the country (and some from as far away as Nigeria and Singapore) to take a public class from her.
From our students:
This is probably the most helpful class I have ever taken. It is amazing how much I improved in such a short period of time. Now that I can speedread, I'm not as worried about all of the schoolwork next year. I'll be able to do it quickly with confidence in my comprehension. Carlin, High School sophomore
Very good. Will use combo of reading techniques depending on material type as well as diagraming techniques to support recall and comprehension. Will better be able to leverage subconscious and do more reading. SK, engineer, Air Force Research Laboratory.
The instructor (Bonnie James) was amazing. It's wonderful to find an instructor who loves to teach and shares it in every class. IB, Air Force Research Laboratory
Bonnie, I enjoyed learning your techniques. They'll come in handy in trying to get a handle on all the journals that have backed-up. KC, engineer, NASA GRC
This course is great! Very helpful note taking concepts as well as the techniques themselves. It was good to practice techniques and test for comprehension to gain confidence that yes, I can comprehend better by using speedreading. LE, engineer, NASA GRC
This is the most useful and practical course I have ever had - bar none. EB, Air Force Research Laboratory
Thanks for the skill that will truly make my lefe easier. Engineer, American Electric Power
From Bonnie:
The measure of success is not how much money you have made but how many lives you have changed. And, in 30 years of business I have changed a lot of lives.
Please contact me, come to an introductory lesson if you are near Columbus, OH or call our toll free number to talk with me. You will soon realize the passion that I have for my teaching and our classes. We have literally changed thousands of lives--one small class at a time. We have helped engineers in the military, corporations and NASA to realize that they could read faster and still under much more--giving them more productive hours. We have given students the confidence to succeed in higher education--getting into professional programs or scoring high enough on tests to get scholarships.
Advanced Reading Concepts
1826 Glenn Ave
Columbus, OH 43212
1-888-524-0012 toll free