BarterNews magazine is distributed by mail as well as through the U.S. and Canada at Barnes & Noble, and other independent bookstores and specialty retailers.
Also writes and distributes the 10-year-old monthly newsletter, The Competitve Edge. And more recently, authored the 532-page BarterNews FastStart Barter Program for the business community.
Frequent speaker and workshop leader at national barter industry conventions. Has twice addressed the American Countertrade Association, a prestigious organization of 111 major Fortune 500 companies who "countertrade" in the billions of dollars.
His advice was sought by one of America's largest corporations and the nation's biggest defense contractor before they bartered $16 million of excess inventory.
A prominent Japanese corporation flew two company executives halfway around the world for a consultation before they moved forward in a joint venture agreement with a corporate barter company.
A Southeastern roofing contractor sought his advice and purchased his program before moving ahead on a $900,000 trade with a group of Florida hoteliers.
, Ohio.
In business you never get something for nothing, but with barter arrangements you come close enough.
Bob Meyer
PO Box 3024
Mission Viejo, CA 92690
Ph: 949-831-0607
Fax: 949-831-9378