I am the founder of Moving Forward Motivation, a business consulting and motivation company dedicated to helping others achieve their goals and live thier dreams.
My goal is to encourage others to see their potential and become financially indipendent so they can give freely of their time and money to others.
Join me at www.FINDSUCCESSWITHIN.com
My latest venture is a 4 Week Tele-Seminar that will cover Prospecting, Internet Marketing, Closing strategies and Overcoming Objections. My partner, Ed Zimbardi, and I are very fond of the term "over deliver" and will be packing as much in 4 weeks as we can to assist you in finishing the year strong and making 2009 your best year ever. Join me at www.CHAMPIONSHIPCLOSING.com for all the details.
Look for my new Book, "21 Secrets to Free Internet Marketing"
Coming September 2008
From my book, "The 6 Keys That Lie Within You To Live A Successful Life - Revealed"
From Chapter 5 The Fuel of Success - Action
"You've got a great purpose. Your focus is sky high, and you're
faithful, but if all you do is watch TV, there will never be any
From Chapter 8 Finding Faith in Failure
"The good news about failure is that it has no power to
defeat us. It has no power to keep us from our victories.
Failure is just what it is: a way that doesn't work. We are the
only ones who can defeat us. We are the only ones who can quit.
If you don't quit you can't fail."
No excuse is ever good enough or comforting enough to accept failure.
- Bill Loyd
The road to success is paved with the failures we move past.
- Bill Loyd