I am a certified massage therapist with many years of experience, study and work in the field of mind/body connection. I have created the program called Forgiveness For Healing for which I am a Coach & Instructor. My life's work is to teach people how to truly forgive in order to allow themselves access to the deeper healing that is available when resentment and negativity are no longer blocking the flow. We have always been taught, told and reminded to practice forgiveness. But how many of us really even know what that means? Forgiveness doesn't happen by virtue of the recital of the words "I forgive". Saying the words doesn't do a thing to remove the injury we received or even to facilitate a superficial healing response. The words "I forgive" in themselves are just a reminder to us not to go off on an angry tangent (in our thoughts or actions) against someone who brought some sort of pain into our awareness. In order to bring about true healing and releasement from any negative event or circumstance we need to employ the work of active grace in our lives.
Active Grace is a path of continual knowingness, acceptance and understanding of the flaws in ourselves and the flaws in those around us. This is a concept that at first may feel very foreign to us as we are not conditioned to take forgiveness beyond the spoken words. For most of us in today's society we can "forgive" someone and still feel the flames of anger ignite in our bodies when we hear their name or see them in our daily lives or in fact, anytime they flutter across our conscious thought. Ask yourself "Is this really forgiveness?" It's not - and all of that negative emotion is damaging your body every day whether you believe that or not. At the onset of a negative emotion, arising from something as simple as a thought or memory the flexor muscles in the human body contract instinctively. A body in chronic flexion experiences fatigue, depression and feels like it is just a lot of work to even hold it upright. This isn't how our bodies were meant to perceive gravity!
Have you ever heard or used the statement "I just feel so worn down"? Well, where do you think that feeling comes from? It's not from working a lot or even too much. Work itself will make you tired and you'll most likely feel better once you have rested but I am talking about that worn down feeling that you go to bed with - that you wake up with - that you carry with you throughout your day. That feeling like you are bending to the force of gravity and it takes work to even move. This is more than just your body's physical response to overuse. This is psychological and emotional fatigue and I believe that it originates in negative thought and emotion and slowly creeps into our bodies as a way of letting us know that something is very wrong and needs our attention.
I teach people how to access those wounded parts of ourselves discovering peace and healing for ourselves and others in my teaching programs. I help you open the door to your subconscious mind, allowing the ego to fade into submission while the greater work is being accomplished. It is amazing the things we can accomplish when we silence the ego. The thing is, that in order to do that we have to understand it first. Once the ego has been diminished, the soul can effectively set about its healing work in our thoughts, emotions and physical bodies through the implementation of originating forgiveness.
I am available as a personal Mastering Forgiveness Coach for anyone who feels lost in the ocean of fatigue and negativity. My workshop is now in the production phase for those who might want to explore these teachings on their own, as well. I expect the workshop materials to be ready for purchase in the Fall. The Official Release Date is Thanksgiving 2015. Whether you have one issue that you KNOW is an issue with resentment or anger and unforgiveness - or if you just want to understand the process better I can help you. Please feel free to contact me anytime.
I am a conceptual contrast author which means in addition to my self-help genre I am also an author of fiction which uses darkness to accentuate light and bring healing to undiscovered weaknesses.
Some people ask me how I can be so centered in the field of mind/body health and still be able to write such powerful horror and suspense books. My answer to that comes in two parts. First of all, as an individual I have a creative spark which allows me to move freely between the worlds of concept and realization. Second, as humans we experience everything multidimensionally. In my fiction books I explore the darker side of human emotions for a very specific reason. I want to highlight the positive through the use of conceptual contrast. So, basically I can scare the pants off of you - but it's for a good reason! We couldn't recognize light without darkness, right? My fiction titles are Christian based suspense novels which lead my readers on a tightrope between good and evil and sometimes may just even manage to help you clear up some of your own mental and emotional clutter without you even realizing it. Many of my readers tell me they have re-read my work several times and each time different elements have been brought to focus for them through the exact same story. I hope you will find enjoyment & healing in all of the facets of my work.
"Forgiveness initiated from any place outside of the spirit (that is the invisible, unchanging and eternal component of ourselves or our higher self) is a pointless misidentification of purpose. Its roots lie in the ego which knows no forgiveness and has no understanding outside of the amplification of itself." (Exerpt from my current work in progress; a home study workshop called MASTERING FORGIVENESS:The 10 Sacred Steps To Emotional Freedom. Expected Release Date Fall 2015.) See my website for more details at www.bettyjcoffman.com.
"True forgiveness has been achieved when the recollection of any event for which you were attempting to accomplish forgiveness is brought into direct attention and does no longer create discord in the mind or body."
Try out this exercise to see if you can benefit from my services/products.
In addition to Forgiveness For Healing Personal Coaching, I have developed my own line of hand made healing products for the bath & body called Bella Chi Natural. These are amazing aromatherapeutic bath and body items specifically designed for mind/body healing effects when used with intention and purpose. You can find these products on my website at www.bettyjcoffman.com. If you have questions or are interested in retaining my services as your Personal Forgiveness For Healing Coach please feel free to send an email inquiry to bettyjcoffman@outlook.com and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can contact me via direct chat on my website at www.bettyjcoffman.com.
Email: bettyjcoffman@outlook.com
I am available as a personal coach to help YOU facilitate healing in your life! Below you will find my rates
as well as a link to hire me as your personal Forgiveness For Healing Coach!
My Coaching Rates & Services
one month plan: $45
three month plan: $95
budget plan: $25