I am shamanic life coach Astra Spider Hawk.
One of the main things that a shaman learns, and can support others with, is how to be in our full power.
My lifelong journey has been dedicated to finding, and living in, my personal power.
Now I am here to help you do the same!
I know that transformation is possible. And I know that each and every one of you holds within yourself the potential to transform your life - and the ability to Live Your Power!
My dearest wish for you is that you Live Your Power. For when we live our power, we are happy!
"Empowering and taking care of yourself, you become the steward of your energy and existence. By honoring your personal domain and understanding the qualities of your inner and outer self-created castles, structures you have built through thoughts and actions, you learn to hold on to what works and let go of the rest." --D.J. Conway and Sirona Knight, Shapeshifter Tarot
I repeat, "you learn to hold on to what works and let go of the rest." Living Your Power has everything to do with discerning what parts of you are really YOU, and what parts are really energies you have adopted along the way from family and society that are holding you back from being who you truly are.
When we let go of these parts that are not us, our own essence can then shine. We can experience life from a perspective of clarity and joy - as we live from a place of our own energy; our own space. From this place can we then truly experience connection to all things in the Universe - because we are free to feel the magic of what life is all about - BEING HAPPY.
What does it mean to have your personal power?
Having your power means:
-You are able to discern what energies do and do not belong to you.
-You are able to have clear boundaries on what you will or will not allow in your life.
-You are able to know that you have a choice about EVERYTHING.
Still, there is a difference between having our power, and Living Our Power.
Having our power, is that we clearly know and understand the above - that we are able to discern what is ours - and let go of what is not.
Living Our Power means....actually DOING it! Not just having the awareness of: Oh yes, I see that these patterns I have been implementing all along are not really mine after all - and I see that the real me really is (Beautiful, successful, powerful, talented, fabulous - fill in the blank!) - and I see that if I do draw these boundaries, I can have my space and fill it with what brings me joy, thereby allowing me to shine and be a light for any and all who cross my path.
All of these things are wonderful to be aware of, and to know that they are possible - but when we can stretch even further, beyond awareness, and take these things we have realized and actually ACT on them - that is when we Live Our Power.
Action Steps - Fill in the blanks!
-I know that I am talented. I now take these talents and ___________....
-I know that I am Powerful in the areas of _________. I now take my power and ___________ ....
-I know I can have my own space and fill it with whatever I desire. I now let go of anything that is not working in my space, and fill it up with ____________....
I am excited for you to complete these action steps!!
If you find you are having trouble moving past the stage of awareness and into the ACT of Living Your Power, you may want to consider coaching with me, or another coach, to get past the stuckness.
Love to you!
Astra Spider Hawk