Numerology is the study of how numbers are entwined in your life. It's easy to get quick gratification from free readings online and from books but the true power lies in compiling and evolving a full numerology chart and diary of interpretations for your numbers.
There are so many facets and intricacies involved with numerology that it does take months and sometimes years to get a complete picture of your life from above.
Check out the main website ( for the latest free numerology articles and products.
The best way to get into Numerology is to dive head first into a free numerology reading and free e-course. The cream of the crop at the moment is the stunning Free Numerology Reading put together by just by applying for one of these samples you'll be taken into a free e-course on Numerology.
You'll quickly learn about the importance of numbers, how to calculate them and even interpret them to some extent. The whole package will save you the cost of a few good Numerology books and save you the time of putting together your first reading.
After that you might want to check out my website where I have Numerology forums, and free numerology articles to take you to the next level. Take a look at The Free Numerology Study Guide