Anna Moss created the Red Flags Platform to deliver eye-opening information about abusive relationships at home, at work, at school. The platform consists of a branded series of articles, books and videos that explore early warning signs, stumbling blocks, public perceptions, media misinformation, normalcy bias and ideal prey. Her areas of special interest are economic abuse, animal cruelty, inadequate self image and working with the subconscious.
Adversity creates an opening between the physical and the spiritual through which accomplishment can flow.
What you tolerate increases.
Listen to what he says, but believe what he does.
Evil disguises itself as good.
Abusers play on your emotions.
Hoping things will get better is a trap.
Abuse is a con and it gets worse over time.
Children and animals are at risk in abusive households.
Another person's behavior is about them, not you.
Inadequate self image sets you up for being targetted by an abuser.