I was first diagnosed with arthritis and fibromyalgia in June 1999, but I had the symptoms of these dibilitating diseases long before that. I always knew I had arthritis but I had never heard of fibromyalgia. It wasn't until I went to the doctor after having a first time knee procedure when surgons found arthritis under my left knee cap but didn't remove it because they were afraid it would set me back on my recovery, then I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia along with arthritis.
I started searching for information about fibromyalgia and arthritis because I had decided that I was not going to let it get the best of me. I have taken everything that has come down the pipe with little or no lasting results. After all those countless medications, supplements, and endless hours in the doctors office, I have finally found something that works for me.
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Angela Carter
Savannah, GA
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