We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Dream Information". If you have expertise in Dream Information and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
What problem would you solve if you could do it in a dream?
During sleep our minds can innovate, create, and solve problems. This is the same process only in a different state as a conscious right brain shift or a left brain suspension that our minds do while awake. This is how our mind solves ... Views: 2938
The Artist and the Tidal Wave
How Dreams Can Save Your Creative Life
by John D. Goldhammer, Ph.D.
"Inside you there’s an artist
you don’t know about." - Rumi
For many years the occasional dreams I remembered appeared to be either unintelligible nonsense ... Views: 1344
The Greeks had a wonderful marriage of the scientific and their belief in the supernatural (or that which is beyond the rational). When somebody could not be cured by the modern medicine, the physician would acknowledge this and would then look towards Asclepius or the gods.
Asclepius was the ... Views: 5084
A pioneer in online cigarette Shopping
OnlineSmoker.com is one of the top five cigarette marketing websites in the United States. It offers premium cigarettes brands at affordable prices that are authentic and cheap. OnlineSmoker.com offers the widest range of branded ... Views: 2100
I know it's hard to look up sometimes.
I know it's hard when everything is on your mind.
It's hard to play what some could call a game.
When we can't even quit the game we chose to play.
But dreams come true...
When you have people who believe in you.
Dreams can come to life...
Your heart knows ... Views: 1714
Dreams are said to be the oldest language known to man yet for many they remain misunderstood. For example, many fear and reject their nightmares; versus respecting and embracing them for the important messages they hold.
Night terrors are not only dreams where you are paralyzed with fear, but ... Views: 14647
Article adapted from SHE WHO DREAMS By Wanda Easter Burch
Published by New World Library
(1500 words)
At the beginning of 1990, I followed my dreams to Africa. I was in Ghana when I fell asleep on a warm afternoon, lulled in and out of awareness by the syncopated beating
of yams in the ... Views: 5772
We all dream every night. Some people don't remember dreaming and would swear that they never dream. But dreaming is essential for sorting out and releasing the emotional buildup from our day so we can start the new day with a clean slate. If you stop people from dreaming, they become disturbed, ... Views: 6404
Here is a technique for working with your dreams that is so simple and obvious that it hardly counts as a technique and is so powerful that you’ll always want to use it.
- Before you interpret your dream…
There is a first step to working with a dream. Before you even begin to analyze or ... Views: 1575