We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Astrology". If you have expertise in Astrology and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Something very rare is going to occur next year – something no living human being has experienced. It’s time to prepare. Venus will be making a visible trip across the face of the Sun on June 8, 2004 and again in 2012 in a dyad of eclipses that occurs only once in a hundred years. You’ll be ... Views: 2191
Venus, the planet, goes retrograde (backwards) less frequently than Mercury, about every 18 months, and the cycle lasts 40 days. Because it is less frequent, it is more difficult to understand and wreaks more havoc than a Mercury retrograde transit. Mercury affects communication. Venus ... Views: 7112
Who doesn't want to be healthy? I've been fascinated with health ever since I can remember. My grandmother's best friend was bedridden with rheumatoid arthritis since she was in her early thirties. My own mother had chronic mental and physical illnesses (some would call it hypochondria). ... Views: 1708
There are a couple of different meanings for “metaphysics” in Dictionary.com:
• The “branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value”.
• The “theoretical or first principles of a particular ... Views: 3205
The planet Mercury is a complex and enigmatic planet that has much more to do with our lives than just “communication”, like faxes, emails, answering machines, telephones and media.
Mercury in ancient astrology was the Winged Messenger of the Gods. In the Iliad and the Odyssey when someone had ... Views: 4034
Electional astrology is the astrology of timing and the Moon plays the most significant role because she is responsible for setting events in motion. As the closest orbiting body to the earth, her influence is so important that two branches of astrology, Horary and Electional, use the Moon as ... Views: 2782