Last issue we talked about your bank
account (however large or small) having
nothing to do with your value as a person.
You're not better or worse than anyone
if you have 100 million dollars or 10 dollars
to your name. Your value always remains
the same. You are priceless.
But being priceless is not just a concept or
a good idea. It is an absolute necessity for
you to be successful. To help you further
your thinking down those lines, here are
some words to a song I wrote called,
"How Great Are You?"
If you truly knew you were priceless
What would you do?
Would your life be a little different?
Would you change a thing or two?
But what does priceless really mean?
That's for you to decide
'Cause no one else can make you
Feel that way inside.
I hope you think about those 8 lines and
don't just glance over them lightly. Really
HOW GREAT ARE YOU? When you answer that,
you'll begin to master the inner game of wealth.
I can't stress enough how much money
is just a physical demonstration of the
things that you think, believe and know
about yourself and how you interact in
the world. To the degree that you value,
respect, honor and love yourself, is the
degree that you'll be wealthy. In fact, if
you have the inner wealth, the outer wealth
must soon follow.
Mastering the inner game of wealth is
actually a lot easier than you may think,
yet like changing any behavior that no
longer serves you, it will take some work
and it will take some time.
Here are the steps.
1. Decide that you're going to get to the
bottom of whatever has been stopping
you from having all the abundance you
2. Commit to the process no matter how
uncomfortable it may be, no matter how
challenging it gets and no matter how
long it takes.
3. Take the appropriate laser focused,
massive actions necessary for you to
get to your core beliefs.
4. Practice, practice, practice. Every time
negative thoughts comes up (and they will)
immediately cancel them out and replace them
with the truth that you are priceless.
The bottom line is that all of your wealth first
begins inside of you and the more you realize
your true worth, the more your true worth
will be realized. And when you increase your
heart and your mind account, your bank account
is sure to follow.
And as I said last week, the truth is that you
are an immeasurable treasure. When you know that
in your heart, not just in your head, look out
Donald Trump 'cause here you come.
So, that's it for this issue my friend. May you be
blessed beyond belief and may all of your dreams
and your success come true. And may everything you
wish for be the least that you get.
Until next issue...
To your success,
Darshan G. Shanti - The 24 Hour Champion
Darshan is an expert in human motivation, behavior change and rapid transformation. He is a 20-year veteran in the field of personal and professional development. He is an ontologist, facilitator, trainer, author and transformational speaker. He is the President of Freedom Incorporated, Inc., a revolutionary, innovative company dedicated to supporting organizations and people all over the world to help them to achieve their highest potential.
Darshan has a unique ability to very quickly empower participants to change their own minds about who they are and what's possible for themselves, both now and in the future. When they change their own minds, their change is permanent, leaving them free to make new decisions, take new actions and create new, powerful and fulfilling lives.
From Fortune 100 corporations such as Baxter Pharmaceuticals, to small mom and pop companies, school systems and prison systems, across the United States, he has worked with and inspired over 30,000 people.
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