Well, we've arrived. Your tenth and final
issue dealing with your money and your
life is here.
It has been a fun journey and I have
learned a lot myself by writing these
articles on abundance.
I hope that they have served you in ways
that have far surpassed your expectations.
On to this issue.
In the last series of articles, I wrote
about manifesting your heart's desires and
how to use the Law of Attraction to bring
to you what you want, instead of what you
Of course, that applies to money as well.
You can and should use the Law of Attraction
properly to bring you all the material wealth
you desire.
So, I have a question for you?
Have you had a thought like this in the last
few days, weeks, month, year?
I need more money. Or, If I only had more
money now, things would be great? My guess
is that you have, especially when the
economy is doing what it's doing.
Here's the problem. If you think that way,
if your focus is on the need, if it's focused
on lack, if it is focused on some form of "not
enough", then that's what you will keep
Once again, the Universe doesn't care what
you ask for. Its job is just to give it to you
regardless of what it is that you're asking for.
The Universe is impartial, unbiased and follows
orders exactly. So, it behooves you to order
correctly so that you can get what you want and
get it the first time.
Now, I do understand that when you're
experiencing lack and its got your full
attention because you've got big bills to
pay, I know it can be hard to focus on
anything else.
As Andrea Conway (A very successful Internet
marketer, speaker and author says,
"If I only had more money makes your entire
existence about money. Money becomes the big
excuse for why you aren't living the life of your
dreams. Once you make lack of money your excuse,
there goes your power. In your mind, you're no
longer in charge, money is. Since money is just an
effect, giving it your power gets you nowhere."
So, if you don't have a lot of money now, instead of
wishing and hoping for more, start looking into your
business or your job and ask yourself what is missing.
Just start asking some pointed questions and the
solutions will come. Here are a few to consider.
Are you not doing the absolute best job you can?
Are you holding back and not investing in yourself
and/or your business? Are you too near-sighted
when it comes to the future of your business and
that's caused you to lose track of the big picture?
What you should do is instead of focusing on money as
the issue, focus on yourself. Focus on your thoughts.
Focus on your beliefs. Focus on your emotions.
Ask questions like, "How can I attract more business?
How can I attract more paying clientele? How can I
make more and spend less?
The point is that your thoughts, emotions
and beliefs are what attract money. I can
promise you that you will be provided with
much inspiration from the Universe, but
you have to trust that the Universe will do
its job and it will provide everything for you.
So, the next time you find yourself wishing for
more money, stop and ask: who should I be and
what should I do that would allow more money to
show up?
The truth of the matter is that you are priceless.
Believe that. Think that. Feel That. Know that.
Then go out and do what a priceless person would
do. Soon you'll have money coming from every
direction and you'll wonder where it was all along.
So, that's it for this issue my friend. May you be
blessed beyond belief and may all of your dreams
and your success come true. And may everything you
wish for be the least that you get.
Until next issue...
To your success,
Darshan G. Shanti - The 24 Hour Champion
Darshan is an expert in human motivation, behavior change and rapid transformation. He is a 20-year veteran in the field of personal and professional development. He is an ontologist, facilitator, trainer, author and transformational speaker. He is the President of Freedom Incorporated, Inc., a revolutionary, innovative company dedicated to supporting organizations and people all over the world to help them to achieve their highest potential.
Darshan has a unique ability to very quickly empower participants to change their own minds about who they are and what's possible for themselves, both now and in the future. When they change their own minds, their change is permanent, leaving them free to make new decisions, take new actions and create new, powerful and fulfilling lives.
From Fortune 100 corporations such as Baxter Pharmaceuticals, to small mom and pop companies, school systems and prison systems, across the United States, he has worked with and inspired over 30,000 people.
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