In an article I wrote about the value of diaphragmatic breathing in public speaking, what I did not discuss was how this type of breathing is what you must do in order to find your ‘real’ speaking voice. And that ‘real’ voice is deeper in pitch, warmer in quality and resonant in sound.
So what does breathing have to do with your voice? Everything. The type of breathing you employ determines how you sound. If you are not breathing with support but instead relying on your upper chest for respiration, also known as shallow or lazy breathing, then the voice which results will be higher in pitch, thinner in quality, possibly nasal, reedy, too soft, too loud, throaty, weak, wimpy, etc. The list goes on and on.
When you employ shallow breathing, you are unable to use your chest as your primary sounding board when you speak. What this means is that you have little control over your speed and no control the quality of your voice. The reason is because your throat and voice box are doing most of the work in producing your voiced sound. Of course the mouth and nasal passages are also involved in this process of phonation; however, the primary amplification is happening by means of your throat and vocal cords which is why so many people experience vocal abuse. Vocal abuse is a persistent sore throat, chronic hoarseness, or even loss of voice because of continual shouting or even just speaking for great lengths of time.
When you change your voice placement, however, the vocal abuse ends as you discover your richer, warmer, deeper sound. In addition, you will gain a marvelous control over your voice, your speed, and even your nervousness in public speaking. All of this is happening because you will be using your chest cavity as your primary sounding board and amplifier. This change in voice placement takes the undue pressure off your voice box and throat which immediately eliminates the vocal abuse.
Another benefit of changing your voice placement is that you will be able to increase your volume without shouting which is known as projection. It is only possible, however, if you are powering your voice by means of your chest cavity.
With a little training, you will find a voice that has more depth and breadth and is much more pleasing to your listeners’ ears. It’s in there and it’s just waiting to be discovered.
The Voice Lady, Nancy Daniels, offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It! the only video training on voice improvement. If you would like to see a dramatic ‘before & after’ clip, visit Voice Training Website and check out Craig’s video.
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