If you're too embarrassed to put on a bathing suite because of your stretch marks, there are some important things you should know. This guide will reveal precisely what triggers stretch marks and how you can learn to diminish their appearance.

The Cause of Stretch Marks

There are numerous theories as to what specifically creates stretch marks. Numerous specialists point out that they are due to the rapid stretching of the skin while some think that they're the effect of a hormonal shift. The reality is that both theories are correct. Stretch marks are created when there's a quick growth of the skin as observed in pregnancy, muscle growth, puberty, and any other type of weight gain. This brings about a transfer in hormones which all leads up to scarring in the central layer of the skin.

One of the first indicators of stretch marks development is the emergence of red or purple streaks. These lines sooner or later disappear and are replaced by the classic white colored streaks. Stretch marks can show up virtually anyplace on the body but they are typically located over the abdomen, thighs, breasts, arms, and legs.

How can you eliminate stretch marks fast?

There are many stretch marks remedies available, however most of them don't perform as promoted. If you're not mindful you could throw away a lot of money and many months striving to clear away your stretch marks, just to discover that your product isn't effective. There are only a few stretch mark remedies that are effective and clinically verified to do the job. Some of the top treatments can be purchased over-the-counter without a physician's prescription. The truth is these non-prescription remedies produce even better results.

How long should it take to eradicate stretch marks?

Sadly, there isn't a magical solution for stretch marks. Once you come across an effective solution, you need to spend at least five minutes per day applying it. It can take around a month or two to see any results. Most people have detected a serious improvement inside 2 weeks.

The real key to removing your stretch marks is to obtain the very best stretch marks cream and to have lots of patience and determination. After you start noticing the results, you'll be delighted that you started the treatment process.

Author's Bio: 

This author is dedicated to providing up to date information on the latest stretch mark creams and products. To read more information and to see detailed reviews for the most popular stretch mark creams, visit us at: Revitol Stretch Mark Reviews