Identifying Personality types is a valuable tool and skill that allows you to understand the basic construction of your own character traits and the personalities of those who you interact with in your family and social network. It empowers you to "know" how to relate to others(and how they relate to you).

Wouldn't it be great to arrive at an interview and "know" what the person sitting across the desk is like? Knowing how to relate in an interview or to a client is the key to business success. Or why some of your friends react to situations in a way you do not comprehend? Or why one child is the likely one to cry or lose their temper?

Determining a person's behavior by utilizing the "System of 7" determining and explaining the 7 personality types outlined in the website will provide a guide to learning and excelling with this technique. Personality types can be predicted by their facial features and body type combinations. Knowing which personality type people are allows us to communicate more effectively, tolerate their differences and negotiate with them successfully.

Anyone can master this system It enables you to learn about yourself and understand others with a degree of confidence by studying the patterns that repeat themselves across all races, sexes and nationalities. Once you master this art of observation you will find that people who look alike share similar character traits. There are no surprises when interacting with friends, husbands and children and you are empowered to achieve more harmonious relationships.

This observational art is called Physiognomy. Physiognomy is an ancient well-accepted system passed down from the Greek and Roman philosophers, mathematicians, scientists such as Hippocrates, Pythagoras and Aristotle. They based their wisdom on the correlation of the relationship of an individual's outward appearance to their inner character. It was referenced in Literature as early as the 5th Century BC. is based on this system of identifying personalities into 7 types, assuming that many people are combinations of the types.

The 7 Planetary names utilized to identify each type have been retained as the traditional identification of character traits since they were culturally identifiable with their origin in Endocrinology and set in place by Joel Frielander However, each personality type has a sub-heading that further relates each type to our modern culture and clarifies the personality.

This system is based on an individuals' DNA. It is more accurate than Astrology, Horoscopes, Body Language and other methods as it is specific to YOU and the DNA that forms your character. It is being widely studied in Universities and utilized as "Facial Recognition" systems for marketing by Nike and others to classify customers.

This system is used by casting directors ("type casting"), attorneys when selecting a Jury, Realtors in assessing clients and CEO's determining negotiating strategies as well as many of us without realizing it in our daily relationships. Refining our art of observation will provide great benefits in our personal lives and learning this technique will support you in your life's journey.

Visit and learn more through the website and newsletter. Future articles will elaborate on each personality trait and techniques you can easily use.

Author's Bio: 

Marcia Cammarata is recognized as a business professional with 25 years of experience who defines a generation of women who "came of age" in the l960's and navigated several careers successfully in leadership roles. She has held executive positions with the Bulovic Art Company, Marshall Field, Gannett, Playboy Corporation/Advertising, and and with Sotheby's Int'l as Executive Relation Specialist. Marcia's website has recently been launched and encapsulates the many years of research and knowledge obtained by her apprenticeship with Milan Bulovic, the respected expert Physiognomist, who adapted the principles of this observational art of to modern society. Marcia Cammarata has lectured and taught this method to business colleagues,realtors, corporate trainers and conducted seminars on the technique over the last l0 years. She is presently authoring a book on the System of 7.